Rejection method


Let’s take a closer look at the [rejection method][].

In A 4-faces die from a 6-faces die we used the rejection method to generate a D4 die using a D6: just roll it, and remove whatever does not fit your needs.

It turns out that this idea can be generalized to generate more complex samples, based on whatever probability density function.

The following example describes a probability density function, with the non-trivial constraint that its possible values on the $x$ axis are limited between $0$ and $a$:

densify function

Let’s simplify, and encapsulate this complicated function within something simpler:

containing function

Of course this is not a probability density, but it’s easy to rescale it and get one, i.e. a uniform distribution between $0$ and $a$:

containing function

Let’s give it a try

Now, let’s generate a random number with this uniform density: as a matter of fact, we’re generating a number on the $x$ axis that is within the range where our original density $p(x)$ is non-zero:

containing function

On the $y$ dimension, this lets us isolate a segment corresponding to that specific value of $x$ and extending from $0$ up to the total height of the containing rectangle:

containing function

We can now generate another random number within this segment, again using a uniform distribution:

containing function

Now it’s time to accept this random draw or reject it. Whatever goes above the target $p(x)$ will be rejected, whatever goes under is accepted. In this case, we have a rejection.

containing function

Time for a new try, then!

Let’s try again

Like before, we first generate a value on the $x$ dimension:

containing function

This gives us a new vertical segment:

containing function

At this point, we can draw another uniform value in the vertical range:

containing function

It seems that we were lucky this time: the value generated is below the corresponding value of $p(x)$ for the same $x$, so we accept this draw.

containing function

Will it work?

Without delving in a formal demonstration, it’s easy to see that this technique is going to work. Doing a lot of attempts, we end up with something like this:

containing function

On the other hand, let’s remember that all the red crosses are rejected, so we can just as well ignore them and obtain this:

containing function

This, indeed, is very close to drawing samples from the target $p(x)$, isn’t it?

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