Read YAML front-matter with teepee


I updated teepee to cope with YAML front-matter in Markdown documents.

In a few places - including this very blog site - Markdown documents are pre-pended with a so-called YAML front-matter, which is a small fragment of YAML configuration specific for that file.

As an example, this blog post has this at the beginning of the Markdown source document:

title: Read YAML front-matter with teepee
type: post
tags: [ perl, template ]
comment: true
date: 2022-05-07 07:00:00 +0200
mathjax: false
published: true


> I updated [teepee][] to cope with YAML front-matter in Markdown
> documents.

In a few places - including this very blog site - Markdown documents are
pre-pended with a so-called *YAML front-matter*, which is a small
fragment of YAML configuration specific for that file.

As an example, this blog post has this at the beginning of the Markdown
source document:

I recently wanted to use teepee to get data from that front-matter, but the parser failed miserably because YAML documents can be chained, so by default the parser happily moves on parsing beyond the closing --- line. Ouch.

Anyway, I’m in full control of teepee, so it was easy to add options --yaml-1 and --yaml-s1 to read only the first fragment of YAML data from a file and from a string respectively.

Technically speaking, you can be in control of teepee too, because it’s released under the Artistic License 2.0 and you can fork/contribute to it!

Now this works:

$ teepee --version
teepee 0.8.0

$ teepee --yaml-1 -FYAML
comment: 'true'
date: '2022-06-07 07:00:00 +0200'
mathjax: 'false'
published: 'true'
tags: '[ perl, template ]'
title: 'Read YAML front-matter with teepee'
type: post

Stay safe folks!

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