xmpl - the API for everything else


A closer look to the implementation of the other mixed APIs in xmpl. This is a series of posts.

The last three API endpoints available in xmpl aim to cover a very wide range of (possible) needs.

Well, not all of them! The simpler one is to just gather the current date and time:

get '/now' => sub ($c) {
   $c->render(json => {now => strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', gmtime)});

The strength of this endpoint is that it does not rely on anything else than a clock inside the system; it can give you an idea of whether the process is up and running or not (as opposed e.g. to looking at some cache!) but it does not use the key/value store, which might be in trouble.

Moving on to more generic stuff, the following function covers any HTTP verb for /status/:code, where :code must be a numerical HTTP status code. Simply put, it will return a response with that code.

any '/status/:code' => sub ($c) {
   my $code = $c->stash('code');
   if ($code eq 204) { $c->rendered(204) }
   else { $c->render(status => $code, text => "Status code: $code\n") }

The different handling of the 204 status code is because… 204 means No Content, so we cannot put some text in the body. Otherwise, we just send the message stating what status code we got.

Last, as a final catchall, we render a boring 404 for everything else we don’t know about:

any '/*x' => sub ($c) { $c->render(status => 404, text => 'Not Found') };

And I guess this is it for the application, thanks for arriving up to here and stay safe!

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