xmpl - enhancements by Mark Lawrence


Mark Lawrence enhanced xmpl, thanks!

After having written so much about xmpl - an example web application, I thought that even a casual reader would be pretty bored about it.

Well, not so for Mark it seems. He provided improvements to the project, by making sure to return a better status code in some cases (they were all squashed onto 500 before), as well as providing automatic tidying capabilities and a new endpoint for describing the available routes.

The last one prompted me to re-read the documentation for Mojolicious and figure that it’s possible to add names to routes and these names need not be tokens. Hence Mark set them to give a concise explanation of the endpoint and make the day. Brilliant!

As an example, route GET /visible becomes this:

get '/visible' => sub ($c) {
   my @targets = split m{\n+}mxs, $c->param('targets');
   $c->render(json => check_visible(@targets));
} => 'Check server visibility of target URLs';

A function endpoints takes care to collect them all:

sub endpoints {
   state $e = do {
      my %endpoints;
      my $msub =
        ? 'via'
        : 'methods';

      for my $route (app->routes->children->@*) {
         my $pattern = $route->pattern->unparsed || '/';
         my $methods = $route->$msub;
         for my $m (!$methods ? ('*') : $methods->@*) {
            $endpoints{$pattern}{$m} = $route->name;


This is consumed in the new endpoint GET /sitemap:

get '/sitemap' => sub ($c) {
   my %args = (
      inline    => template_index(),
      cnf       => {page_config()},
      kvstore   => kvstore()->origin,
      kv        => {},
      identity  => identity(),
      endpoints => endpoints(),
} => 'Displays a summary of HTTP targets & methods (this page)';

which expands the common template as for the main entry point, only to show these routes.

Thanks Mark!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!