Cardstom - more flexible


Cardstom was a bit stiff, let’s make it a bit more flexible.

One defect of the initial version of cardstom was that it generated a whole bunch of red clubs and spades cards, as well as black hearts and diamonds.

There’s an idea that goes on in my mind with labels and so on, but to start easy I thought about implementing the generation of multiple smaller series from the same configuration file.

So, the current configuration file for the example has this shape:

 1 {
 2    "card-config": {
 3       "width": "62mm",
 4       "height": "88mm"
 5    },
 6    "output": "output",
 7    "A": [
 8       {"-name":"A","-path":"input/alphanum/A-uppercase.svg"},
 9       {"-name":"2","-path":"input/alphanum/2-digit.svg"},
10       {"-name":"3","-path":"input/alphanum/3-digit.svg"},
11       {"-name":"4","-path":"input/alphanum/4-digit.svg"},
12       {"-name":"5","-path":"input/alphanum/5-digit.svg"},
13       {"-name":"6","-path":"input/alphanum/6-digit.svg"},
14       {"-name":"7","-path":"input/alphanum/7-digit.svg"},
15       {"-name":"8","-path":"input/alphanum/8-digit.svg"},
16       {"-name":"9","-path":"input/alphanum/9-digit.svg"},
17       {"-name":"T","-path":"input/alphanum/10-pair.svg"},
18       {"-name":"J","-path":"input/alphanum/J-uppercase.svg"},
19       {"-name":"Q","-path":"input/alphanum/Q-uppercase.svg"},
20       {"-name":"K","-path":"input/alphanum/K-uppercase.svg"}
21    ],
22    "led1":[
23       {"-name":"_"},
24       {"-name":"hops","-path":"input/game-icons/delapouite/hops.svg","-scale":1}
25    ],
26    "led2":[
27       {"-name":"_"},
28       {"-name":"corn","-path":"input/game-icons/delapouite/corn.svg","-scale":1}
29    ],
30    "led3":[
31       {"-name":"_"},
32       {"-name":"acorn","-path":"input/game-icons/lorc/acorn.svg","-scale":1}
33    ],
34    "sequence": [
35       {
36          "color": [
37             {"-name":"red","value":"#900"}
38          ],
39          "B": [
40             {"-name":"hearts",  "-path":"input/game-icons/skoll/hearts.svg"},
41             {"-name":"diamonds","-path":"input/game-icons/skoll/diamonds.svg"}
42          ]
43       },
44       {
45          "color": [
46             {"-name":"black","value":"#000"}
47          ],
48          "B": [
49             {"-name":"clubs",   "-path":"input/game-icons/skoll/clubs.svg"},
50             {"-name":"spades",  "-path":"input/game-icons/skoll/spades.svg"}
51          ]
52       }
53    ]
54 }

Everything at the higher level is still taken as the default stuff. If a sequence key is present, it is iterated specializing the configuration for each round; otherwise, only the upper level configuration is used, to retain backwards compatibility.

Now it generates the regular French cards out of the box!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!