Benchmarking simplified implementations of NestedLoops


Iterative counterparts of recursive function are not always more efficient.

In A simplified iterative implementation of NestedLoops I claimed that:

Having an iterative counterpart of a recursive function is often useful to gain some performance, especially in non-functional programming languages (and in general where calling a function can be considered expensive). This goes at the expense of the programmer’s time (usually) so it should really worth the effort, e.g. by doing some profiling. Also… this might also end up with a less-efficient implementation!

So, the obvious reason was to do some benchmarking of the two solutions!

A direct benchmarking of the two implementations (the recursive one can be found in A simplified recursive implementation of NestedLoops) showed that the recursive one was better:

$ perl
             Rate recursive iterative
iterative 8220/s        --      -17%
recursive 9864/s       20%        --

So I figured… maybe I did something wrong with the iterative implementation, and I transformed it to this:

 1 sub nested_loops_iterative {
 2    my ($dims, $opts, $cb) = @_;
 3    return unless scalar @{$dims};
 4    ($opts, $cb) = ($cb, $opts) if ref($opts) eq 'CODE';
 5    my @indexes     = (-1);
 6    my @accumulator = (undef) x scalar @{$dims};
 7    while ((my $level = $#indexes) >= 0) {
 8       my $dimension = $dims->[$level];
 9       my $i         = ++$indexes[$level];    # advance in "this" slot
10       if ($i > $#{$dimension}) { pop @indexes }
11       else {
12          $accumulator[$level] = $dimension->[$i];
13          if   ($level == $#{$dims}) { $cb->(@accumulator) }
14          else                       { push @indexes, -1 }
15       }
16    } ## end while ((my $level = $#indexes...))
17    return;
18 } ## end sub nested_loops_iterative

It’s a bit more compact than its predecessor, and goes one step less in the stack, providing a benefit:

$ perl
             Rate recursive iterative
recursive  9774/s        --      -17%
iterative 11712/s       20%        --

Not terribly better, but the roles have at least been switched.

Or have they?

This is not fair. The recursive implementation can get some love too:

  • the same exact optimization I did for the iterative implementation applies to the recursive one too, allowing to remove the last level of function call that is also the bigger one;
  • there’s some arguments-fiddling at the beginning of the function that is done over and over, and can be separated from the actual recursion process.

So, I ended up with this too:

 1 sub nested_loops_recursive {
 2    my ($dims, $opts, $cb) = @_;
 3    ($opts, $cb) = ($cb, $opts) if ref($opts) eq 'CODE';
 4    return _nested_loops_recursive($dims, $opts, $cb, [], 0);
 5 } ## end sub nested_loops_recursive
 7 sub _nested_loops_recursive {
 8    my ($dims, $opts, $cb, $acc, $level) = @_;
 9    if ($level == $#{$dims}) {    # last level
10       $cb->(@{$acc}, $_) for @{$dims->[$level]};
11    }
12    else {                        # intermediate level
13       for my $item (@{$dims->[$level]}) {
14          push @{$acc}, $item;
15          _nested_loops_recursive($dims, $opts, $cb, $acc, $level + 1);
16          pop @{$acc};
17       } ## end for my $item (@{$dims->...})
18    } ## end else [ if ($level == $#{$dims...})]
19    return;
20 } ## end sub _nested_loops_recursive

The function is split into two parts, _nested_loops_recursive does most of the job without fiddling with arguments and also the last layer of function calls is now avoided thanks to lines 9 to 11 (i.e. a dedicated loop for the last dimension).

This is what I ended up with:

$ perl
             Rate iterative recursive
iterative 11669/s        --      -46%
recursive 21692/s       86%        --

Oh my goodness! The recursive implementation is way faster in these tests conditions!

If you want to play with it, here is the final benchmark script:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark 'cmpthese';

my $dimensions = [['A' .. 'F'], [2, 3, 5, 7], [qw< foo bar baz >],];
my $action = sub { join '-', @_ };
      recursive => sub { nested_loops_recursive($dimensions, $action) },
      iterative => sub { nested_loops_iterative($dimensions, $action) },

sub nested_loops_iterative {
   my ($dims, $opts, $cb) = @_;
   return unless scalar @{$dims};
   ($opts, $cb) = ($cb, $opts) if ref($opts) eq 'CODE';
   my @indexes     = (-1);
   my @accumulator = (undef) x scalar @{$dims};
   while ((my $level = $#indexes) >= 0) {
      my $dimension = $dims->[$level];
      my $i         = ++$indexes[$level];    # advance in "this" slot
      if ($i > $#{$dimension}) { pop @indexes }
      else {
         $accumulator[$level] = $dimension->[$i];
         if   ($level == $#{$dims}) { $cb->(@accumulator) }
         else                       { push @indexes, -1 }
   } ## end while ((my $level = $#indexes...))
} ## end sub nested_loops_iterative

sub nested_loops_recursive {
   my ($dims, $opts, $cb) = @_;
   ($opts, $cb) = ($cb, $opts) if ref($opts) eq 'CODE';
   return _nested_loops_recursive($dims, $opts, $cb, [], 0);
} ## end sub nested_loops_recursive

sub _nested_loops_recursive {
   my ($dims, $opts, $cb, $acc, $level) = @_;
   if ($level == $#{$dims}) {    # last level
      $cb->(@{$acc}, $_) for @{$dims->[$level]};
   else {                        # intermediate level
      for my $item (@{$dims->[$level]}) {
         push @{$acc}, $item;
         _nested_loops_recursive($dims, $opts, $cb, $acc, $level + 1);
         pop @{$acc};
      } ## end for my $item (@{$dims->...})
   } ## end else [ if ($level == $#{$dims...})]
} ## end sub _nested_loops_recursive

Lesson learned: test your gut feelings with measurements, you might need to vary your diet.

This is enough for today, isn’t it?

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!