Iterator from loop


A way to turn an exaustive loop into an iterator.

In previous posts A simplified recursive implementation of NestedLoops and A simplified iterative implementation of NestedLoops we implemented a way to get variable-depth loops. These functions accepted a callback function that would be called at the heart of the nested loops,

Although effective, this means that we will always have to go through every iteration at every level, which might be… not always what we are after. Maybe we’re looking for something… and we want to stop as soon as we find it.

In these cases, iterators come handy because they provide a sort of inversion: we ask the iterator for the next arrangement of inputs for the function, it gives it to us and we use it. Whether to ask for another one is completely up to us.

A few considerations

To do this, our iterator will be an anonymous sub, because it’s compact and elegant 🤓. So, this is how we will be able to get and use it:

my $it = get_iterator(@arguments);
if (my @stuff = $it->()) {

So, our get_iterator will have this shape:

sub get_iterator { my @arguments = @_; return sub { … }; }

i.e. it will return a reference to a sub.

What will this sub do? It will have to do what the loop does… but only one step at a time, As soon as it has something that the original loop would have fed to the callback, it has to return it back. Additionally, though, it will have to keep track of where it left, so that the next time it will be able to get the following. Let’s see how.


Consider the following code:

 1  sub get_some_sub {
 2      my $x = 0;
 3      return sub { ++$x };
 4  }
 6  my $some_sub = get_some_sub();
 7  my $some_other_sub = get_some_sub();

The variable $x inside the internal anonymous sub (line 3) is the same $x declared and initialized in line 2. This means that, as long as $some_sub exists… that $x will have to exist too!

Another interesting thing is that the call in line 7 creates a different pair of $x and of the anonymous sub in line 3. So, $some_other_sub keeps its own copy of $x alive.

This goes under the name of… closures. Each specific $x allows the anonymous sub to keep track of some specific and own state… which is very interesting for our purposes!

An example

Let’s try an example, by iterating over a single array. The callback-based version would be:

sub iterate_over_array {
    my ($input_array, $callback) = @_;
    my $i = 0;
    while ($i <= $#{$input_array}) {

Let’s turn this into an iterator, We will a closed over variable $i to keep track of the state:

sub simple_iterator {
    my ($input_array) = @_;
    my $i = 0; # this will index into $input_array
    return sub {
        return unless $i <= $#{$input_array};
        return $input_array->[$i++];

So… the trick is to understand what will enable us to go through all the states of the loop, and store it as closed over variables. Easy!

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