SVG path bounding box: merge multiple boxes


Merging many bounding boxes together.

Also in this case, the code is straightforward:

 1 sub merged_bb ($first, @others) {
 2    my %retval = (min => {$first->{min}->%*}, max => {$first->{max}->%*});
 3    for my $bb (@others) {
 4       for my $axis (qw< x y >) {
 5          $retval{min}{$axis} = $bb->{min}{$axis}
 6             if $retval{min}{$axis} > $bb->{min}{$axis};
 7          $retval{max}{$axis} = $bb->{max}{$axis}
 8             if $retval{max}{$axis} < $bb->{max}{$axis};
 9       }
10    }
11    return \%retval;
12 }

In short, it suffices to take the minimum and maximux values for both the x and the y axes and voilà, we have our overall merged bounding box.

Stay tuned!

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