
Flavio Poletti bio photo By Flavio Poletti

A few (more) hints on how to use teepee.

  1. Assumptions
  2. Input
    1. Input from File or Standard Input
    2. Input from Text on Command Line
    3. No Input
  3. Output
  4. Templates Handling
    1. Text Templates
    2. Variables
    3. Functions
    4. Pretty-Printing
    5. Generating HTML/XML
    6. Crumbr Mode
    7. Variables Accessors
    8. Loading Functions


We will assume to have the following filename.json JSON file lying around:

    "name": "Flavio",
    "surname": "Poletti",
    "cpan": {
        "metacpan": "",
        "latest": [
        "favorites": {
            "JSON":   { "id": "MAKAMAKA" },
            "Dancer": { "id": "YANICK"   },
            "Moo":    { "id": "HAARG"    }
        "using": {
            "JSON": { "id": "" }
        "id": "POLETTIX"

and the corresponding filename.yaml too.


Input from File or Standard Input

Reading from a file while auto-detecting the format:

$ teepee -i filename.json ...
$ teepee -i filename.yaml ...

Force reading as JSON:

$ teepee -j filename.json ...
$ teepee -j filename.json -f json ...

Force reading as YAML:

$ teepee -y filename.yaml ...
$ teepee -y filename.yaml -f yaml ...

Input comes from standard input by default, no need to specify anything in this case (although you can be explicit and use filename -):

# auto-detect
$ cat filename.json | teepee ...
$ cat filename.json | teepee -i - ...

# force reading as JSON
$ cat filename.json | teepee -f json ...
$ cat filename.json | teepee -j - ...

# force reading as YAML
$ cat filename.yaml | teepee -f yaml ...
$ cat filename.yaml | teepee -y - ...

Input from Text on Command Line

You can specify input text with a shell trick (using <<<) and what explained before, or using the following options directly:

$ teepee -I '{"some":"json"}' ...

$ some_json=$(< filename.json)
$ teepee -J "$some_json" ...

$ some_yaml=$(< filename.yaml)
$ teepee -Y "$some_yaml" ...

No Input

Sometimes you don’t need to read an input data structure (e.g. when you define variable’s values using -d/--define):

$ teepee -N ...


Output is sent to standard output by default. You can either redirect/pipe it, or use option -o to save to a file:

$ teepee -o output-file ...

Many options/tricks specify how the output is generated, so read on! One option is described here, though: if you want to add a newline at the very end of the input, pass option -n:

$ teepee -n ...

Templates Handling

Templates are generally written using rules of Template::Perlish:

  • plain text is rendered as-is
  • whatever is enclosed between a pair of [% and %] is considered special
    • if the pair contains a path in the data, the chunk is expanded with the value of the variable at the specific position in the input data
    • if the opening is immediately followed by an equal sign = (with no spaces), the chunk is interpreted as Perl code and the last value is substituted for the chunk
    • otherwise, the chunk is considered Perl code but nothing is printed by default
    • whatever is printed to standard output in the Perl code inside the chunks is expanded in place of the chunk.

A path in the data is something like This is split upon the the dots, and each section is used to traverse the input data structure. So, if we had a reference $V to the data structure, the example path would be resolved to $V->{path}{to}[1]{variable} (assuming of course that there are hashes and arrays at the right places).

Text Templates

Templates can be taken from a file, for example file1.tmpl:

    Hello [% %] ([% name %] [% surname %])

Use option -t to load them:

$ teepee -j filename.json -t file1.tmpl
Hello POLETTIX (Flavio Poletti)

… or from a string on the command line:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -T 'Hello [% %]!'

We used option -n to add a newline to the output!


Getting a single variable only has its own shortcut, i.e. the following are equivalent:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -T '[% cpan.latest.1 %]'

$ teepee -nj filename.json -v cpan.latest.1


Getting the output of a function only has its own shortcut, i.e. the following are equivalent:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -T '[%= 2+2 %]'

$ teepee -nj filename.json -F 2+2

This comes handy for calling a few pre-defined functions as explained below.


Pretty-printing (or converting!) in JSON:

$ teepee -y filename.yaml -FJSON
    "name" : "Flavio",
    "surname" : "Poletti",
    "cpan" : {
        "favorites" : {
            "Dancer" : {
                "id" : "YANICK"
            "Moo" : {
                "id" : "HAARG"
            "JSON" : {
                "id" : "MAKAMAKA"
        "metacpan" : "",
        "latest" : [
        "using" : {
            "JSON" : {
                "id" : ""
        "id" : "POLETTIX"

Pretty-printing (or converting!) in YAML:

$ teepee -j filename.json -FYAML
        id: YANICK
        id: MAKAMAKA
        id: HAARG
    id: POLETTIX
        - Data::Crumbr
        - Template::Perlish
        - Graphics::Potrace
        - Log::Log4perl::Tiny
name: Flavio
surname: Poletti

Generating HTML/XML

Functions urlenc, xmlenc and xmltxt can come handy when generating HTML/XML - they encode the argument to a representation that is safe for inclusion in URL or text, respectively. This is urlenc in action:

$ ./teepee -nNT '[%= urlenc("&a <- \"b\"") %]'

xmlenc encodes the five reserved characters < > ' " &:

$ ./teepee -nNT '<hey>[%= xmlenc("&a <- \"b\"") %]</hey>'
<hey>&#38;a &#60;- &#34;b&#34;</hey>

xmltxt is like xmlenc, but it encodes only < and & (which should be fine in all cases anyway):

$ ./teepee -nNT '<hey>[%= xmltxt("&a <- \"b\"") %]</hey>'
<hey>&#38;a &#60;- "b"</hey>

Crumbr Mode

Crumbr mode allows you to expand the whole input data structure with one line per leaf, so that you should be able to easily use grep and sed.

$ teepee -j filename.json -Fcrumbr
cpan/favorites/Dancer/id "YANICK"
cpan/favorites/JSON/id "MAKAMAKA"
cpan/favorites/Moo/id "HAARG"
cpan/id "POLETTIX"
cpan/latest/0 "Data::Crumbr"
cpan/latest/1 "Template::Perlish"
cpan/latest/2 "Graphics::Potrace"
cpan/latest/3 "Log::Log4perl::Tiny"
cpan/metacpan "https:\/\/\/author\/POLETTIX"
cpan/using/JSON/id "https:\/\/\/release\/JSON"
name "Flavio"
surname "Poletti"

You can be exact in distinguishing between hash keys and array indexes:

$ teepee -j filename.json -Fexact_crumbr

You might want to get a JSON-compliant representation of each line:

$ teepee -j filename.json -Fjson_crumbr

Variables Accessors

Variables accessors are shortcut functions that allow expanding a variable according to the (expected) type.

Scalar variables can be accessed via V (for Variable, not for Scalar!):

# another alternative for -v...
$ teepee -nj filename.json -F 'V ""'

$ teepee -nj filename.json -F '"*" x length V ""'

Array references are de-referenced using A:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -F 'A "cpan.latest"'

$ teepee -j filename.json -F 'print "- $_\n" for A "cpan.latest"'
- Data::Crumbr
- Template::Perlish
- Graphics::Potrace
- Log::Log4perl::Tiny

Hashes can be dereferenced in three ways: directly with H, only keys with HK, only values with HV:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -F 'my %favs = H "cpan.favorites"; $favs{JSON}{id}'

$ teepee -j filename.json -F 'print "- $_\n" for HK "cpan.favorites"'
- Moo
- Dancer

$ teepee -j filename.json -F 'print "- $_->{id}\n" for HV "cpan.favorites"'

Loading Functions

If you want to load Perl functions from modules, as of version 0.7.0 you can with options -M and -l.

The former (-M, alias --module) allows you to load modules and functions from the command line, and consume those functions from inside the template:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -M Digest::MD5=md5_hex -F 'md5_hex(V "name")'

You can import multiple functions separating their names with a comma:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -M Digest::MD5=md5_hex,md5_base64 \
    -F 'md5_hex(V "name") . " " . md5_base64(V "name")'
e6a25ad746bb0923f593e94f5128d13d 5qJa10a7CSP1k+lPUSjRPQ

Alternatively, you can just specify a line that will be used:

$ teepee -nj filename.json -M 'Digest::MD5 qw< md5_hex md5_base64 >' \
    -F 'md5_hex(V "name") . " " . md5_base64(V "name")'
e6a25ad746bb0923f593e94f5128d13d 5qJa10a7CSP1k+lPUSjRPQ

In particular, whatever you pass as parameter will be evaled like follows:

# -M 'Digest::MD5 qw< md5_hex md5_base64 >'
use Digest::MD5 qw< md5_hex md5_base64 >;

If you want to load modules/functions that don’t lie around in places perl would normally look into, you can add places to the directory search list using option -l (alias --lib, alias --include). Suppose you have module Foo::Bar inside lib/Foo/

$ teepee -nj filename.json -M 'Foo::Bar' -l lib -F 'foo(V "name")'