SQLite import with AutoCommit turned off


Schwern wrote a little gem.

Some time ago I wanted to import a few CSV files in one SQLite database file and I initially tried to do it with Perl. It was sloooooow.

Then I looked for alternatives and found out .import from the command-line client sqlite3. This is reasonably fast, so I used it straight away and forgot about it.

Until I came to read Schwern’s little gem, hinting to turn AutoCommit off. That hit the nail so good that one single hit sufficed.

So here’s an example:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';

use DBI;
use Text::CSV_XS;

my $csv_file = shift // help_then_die('no CSV file');
my $sqlite_file = shift // help_then_die('no SQLite file');
my $sqlite_table = shift // help_then_die('no SQLite table name');

my $csv_it = csv_it($csv_file);
my $fields = $csv_it->();

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:$sqlite_file", '', '',
   { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => $ENV{AUTOCOMMIT}, }

say scalar(localtime);
$dbh->do(sqlite_create_query($dbh, $sqlite_table, $fields));
$dbh->commit unless $ENV{AUTOCOMMIT};

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(sqlite_insert_query($dbh, $sqlite_table, $fields));
while (my $row = $csv_it->()) {
$dbh->commit unless $ENV{AUTOCOMMIT};
say scalar(localtime);

sub sqlite_create_query ($dbh, $table, $fields) {
   my $q_table = $dbh->quote_identifier($table);
   my $fields_def = join ",\n", map { "  $_ TEXT" } $fields->@*;
   return "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $q_table (\n$fields_def\n)";

sub sqlite_insert_query ($dbh, $table, $fields) {
   my $q_table = $dbh->quote_identifier($table);
   my $fields_def = join ', ', $fields->@*;
   my $pholds_def = join ', ', ('?') x scalar($fields->@*);
   return "INSERT INTO $q_table ($fields_def) VALUES ($pholds_def)";

sub csv_it ($path, %args) {
   my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new(
         sep_char => ',',
   ) or die Text::CSV_XS->error_diag;
   open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $path
      or die "open('$path'): $!\n";
   return sub { return $csv->getline($fh) };

sub help_then_die ($msg) {
   say {*STDERR} "$0 <csv-file> <sqlite-file> <sqlite-table>\n";
   die $msg, "\n";

Test time:

$ rm -f local/prova.db; time AUTOCOMMIT=1 perl csv2sqlite local/somedata.csv local/prova.db whatever
Tue Sep 19 23:08:39 2023
Tue Sep 19 23:09:30 2023

real	0m50.788s
user	0m0.134s
sys	0m6.149s

$ rm -f local/prova.db; time AUTOCOMMIT=0 perl csv2sqlite local/somedata.csv local/prova.db whatever
Tue Sep 19 23:10:21 2023
Tue Sep 19 23:10:21 2023

real	0m0.174s
user	0m0.118s
sys	0m0.023s

This is what I call a speed improvement!


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