ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
PWC227 - Roman Maths
On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #227. Enjoy!
The challenge
Write a script to handle a 2-term arithmetic operation expressed in Roman numeral.
IV + V => IX M - I => CMXCIX X / II => V XI * VI => LXVI VII ** III => CCCXLIII V - V => nulla (they knew about zero but didn't have a symbol) V / II => non potest (they didn't do fractions) MMM + M => non potest (they only went up to 3999) V - X => non potest (they didn't do negative numbers)
The questions
There are a lot of explanations for subtleties in the example, but I’d still ask about the input format:
- can we trust it’s correct? I’ll assume yes.
- should we account for a variable amount of whitespaces? I’ll assume yes.
The solution
This was interesting, although it felt like a chore at a certain point. Yes, yes… I know there’s surely a plethora of modules to go to and from Roman numberals, but I’m from Rome and I thought I owed this to the city I live in.
At the end of the day, it’s parse/calculate/encode, just with a few checks here and there.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
say $_, ' => ', roman_maths($_) for @ARGV;
sub roman_maths ($expression) {
my ($first, $op, $second) = $expression =~ m{
\A\s* ([IVXLCDM]+) \s* ([-+/*] | \*\*) \s* ([IVXLCOM]+) \s*\z
}mxs or return 'nescio';
$first = roman2dec_no_validate($first) // return 'nescio';
$second = roman2dec_no_validate($second) // return 'nescio';
my $result = $op eq '+' ? ($first + $second)
: $op eq '-' ? ($first - $second)
: $op eq '*' ? ($first * $second)
: $op eq '/' ? ($first % $second ? -1 : $first / $second)
: $op eq '**' ? ($first ** $second) : 'nescio';
return dec2roman($result);
return 'non potest';
sub dec2roman ($dec) {
return 'nulla' if $dec == 0;
return 'non potest' if $dec < 0 || $dec >= 4000;
my $retval = '';
while ($dec > 0) {
if ($dec >= 1000) {
$retval .= 'M' x int($dec / 1000);
$dec %= 1000;
elsif ($dec >= 900) {
$retval .= 'CM';
$dec -= 900;
elsif ($dec >= 500) {
$retval .= 'D';
$dec -= 500;
elsif ($dec >= 400) {
$retval .= 'CD';
$dec -= 400;
elsif ($dec >= 100) {
$retval .= 'C' x int($dec / 100);
$dec %= 100;
elsif ($dec >= 90) {
$retval .= 'XC';
$dec -= 90;
elsif ($dec >= 50) {
$retval .= 'L';
$dec -= 50;
elsif ($dec >= 40) {
$retval .= 'XL';
$dec -= 40;
elsif ($dec >= 10) {
$retval .= 'X' x int($dec / 10);
$dec %= 10;
else {
state $lookup = [qw< * I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX >];
$retval .= $lookup->[$dec];
$dec = 0;
return $retval;
sub roman2dec_no_validate ($string) {
state $value_for = {
I => 1,
V => 5,
X => 10,
L => 50,
C => 100,
D => 500,
M => 1000,
my $accumulator = 0;
my $following = 0; # good enough initialization
for my $letter (reverse split m{}mxs, $string) {
my $this = $value_for->{$letter};
if ($this >= $following) {
$accumulator += $this;
else {
$accumulator -= $this;
$following = $this;
return $accumulator;
Raku time. I was lucky to copy most of the implementation from the Perl one above, with due changes where it’s needed.
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (*@expressions) { put($_, ' => ', roman-maths($_)) for @expressions }
sub roman-maths ($expression) {
my $match = $expression ~~ /
\s* (<[ I V X L C D M]>+)
\s* (<[ \- \+ \/ \*\* \* ]>+)
\s* (<[ I V X L C O M]>+)
$$/ or return 'nescio';
my $first = $match[0].Str;
my $op = $match[1].Str;
my $second = $match[2].Str;
$first = roman2dec-no-validate($first) // return 'nescio';
$second = roman2dec-no-validate($second) // return 'nescio';
my $result = $op eq '+' ?? ($first + $second)
!! $op eq '-' ?? ($first - $second)
!! $op eq '*' ?? ($first * $second)
!! $op eq '/' ?? ($first % $second ?? -1 !! $first / $second)
!! $op eq '**' ?? ($first ** $second) !! 'nescio';
return dec2roman($result);
return 'non potest';
sub dec2roman ($dec is copy) {
return 'nulla' if $dec == 0;
return 'non potest' if $dec < 0 || $dec >= 4000;
my $retval = '';
while $dec > 0 {
if $dec >= 1000 {
$retval ~= 'M' x ($dec div 1000);
$dec %= 1000;
elsif $dec >= 900 {
$retval ~= 'CM';
$dec -= 900;
elsif $dec >= 500 {
$retval ~= 'D';
$dec -= 500;
elsif $dec >= 400 {
$retval ~= 'CD';
$dec -= 400;
elsif $dec >= 100 {
$retval ~= 'C' x ($dec div 100);
$dec %= 100;
elsif $dec >= 90 {
$retval ~= 'XC';
$dec -= 90;
elsif $dec >= 50 {
$retval ~= 'L';
$dec -= 50;
elsif $dec >= 40 {
$retval ~= 'XL';
$dec -= 40;
elsif $dec >= 10 {
$retval ~= 'X' x ($dec div 10);
$dec %= 10;
else {
state @lookup = < * I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX >;
$retval ~= @lookup[$dec];
$dec = 0;
return $retval;
sub roman2dec-no-validate ($string) {
state %value_for =
I => 1,
V => 5,
X => 10,
L => 50,
C => 100,
D => 500,
M => 1000,
my $accumulator = 0;
my $following = 0; # good enough initialization
for $string.comb.reverse -> $letter {
my $this = %value_for{$letter};
if $this >= $following {
$accumulator += $this;
else {
$accumulator -= $this;
$following = $this;
return $accumulator;