

Setris is a great idea.

I’m not much into videogames, in that I only play a few of them but not too much.

As a matter of fact, I’m scared to play a couple of games. They might make me forget about what I should do at night, and hear birds sing the morning after. But I’m digressing.

I read about Setris and I think it’s a fantastic idea. I mean, I will probably not download/play it, just like I don’t usually play Tetris; nonetheless, the twist to the base game is genius. It’s the kind of things that make me feel how simple would be to think stuff, and yet also feel that I’m not really capable of it.

I had a similar feeling in front of the many interpretations of Las Meninas by Pablo Picasso. I saw and realized that they were just a few, quick strokes, and yet I was also pretty aware that I couldn’t possibly do them myself. Both humbling and amazing.

Stay safe!

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