PWC207 - Keyboard Word


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #207. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an array of words.

Write a script to print all the words in the given array that can be types using alphabet on only one row of the keyboard.

Let us assume the keys are arranged as below:

Row 1: qwertyuiop
Row 2: asdfghjkl
Row 3: zxcvbnm

Example 1

Input: @words = ("Hello","Alaska","Dad","Peace")
Output: ("Alaska","Dad")

Example 2

Input: @array = ("OMG","Bye")
Output: ()

The questions

I’d nitpick that the SHIFT key is usually on the zxc... (at least on the keyboard I have in front of me now), so Alaska is a bit controversial. On the other hand, it’s not an alphabet key, so it’s debatable.

The solution

We’re encapsulating the single test in a is-keyboard-word function, that applies on a single word at a time.

The function has a bit of “preparation” in the state variables, so that we can reuse it over and over without having to re-compute everything all the times.

State variable @letter-sets contains three sets, one for each group of letter (i.e. the letters in each keyboard row, according to the spec). Each set allows telling whether a specific “input” letter belongs to the group of letters or not.

State variable %set-ids-for tells us the index of the set in @letter-sets where a specific input letter belongs.

When a word comes in, we split (via comb) it into characters and find out the set related to the first one ($set). We then check that all characters from the splitting belong to the same set. This check might be more idiomatic, but I find the “extended” form easier to read.

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (*@args) { @args.grep(&is-keyboard-word).put }

sub is-keyboard-word ($word) {
   state @rows = < qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm >;
   state @letter-sets ={ .comb.Set });
   state %set-idx-for =
      .map(-> $idx, $row {
         $> $char { $char => $idx }) })

   my @letters = $;
   my $set-idx = %set-idx-for{@letters[0]};
   my $set = @letter-sets[$set-idx];
   for @letters -> $letter {
      return False if $letter ∉ $set;
   return True;

The Perl version is a straight translation:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

say join ' ', grep { is_keyboard_word($_) } @ARGV;

sub is_keyboard_word ($word) {
   state $rows = [qw< qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm >];
   state $letter_sets = [
      map {
         +{ map { $_ => 1 } split m{}mxs }
      } $rows->@*
   state $set_idx_for = {
      map {
         my $idx = $_;
         map { $_ => $idx } split m{}mxs, $rows->[$idx];
      } 0 .. $rows->$#*
   my @letters = split m{}mxs, lc($word);
   my $set_idx = $set_idx_for->{$letters[0]};
   my $set = $letter_sets->[$set_idx];
   for my $letter (@letters) {
      return '' unless exists($set->{$letter});
   return 1;

Stay safe!

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