PWC203 - Special Quadruplets


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #203. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to find out the total special quadruplets for the given array.

Special Quadruplets are such that satisfies the following 2 rules.
1) nums[a] + nums[b] + nums[c] == nums[d]
2) a < b < c < d

Example 1

Input: @nums = (1,2,3,6)
Output: 1

Since the only special quadruplets found is $nums[0] + $nums[1] + $nums[2] == $nums[3].

Example 2

Input: @nums = (1,1,1,3,5)
Output: 4

$nums[0] + $nums[1] + $nums[2] == $nums[3]
$nums[0] + $nums[1] + $nums[3] == $nums[4]
$nums[0] + $nums[2] + $nums[3] == $nums[4]
$nums[1] + $nums[2] + $nums[3] == $nums[4]

Example 3

Input: @nums = (3,3,6,4,5)
Output: 0

The questions

How can manwar find such sweet spots? I was starting to think that this would be sort of a chore… but it ended up to allow for a very intuitive solution.

The solution

Instead of doing a lot of nested iterations and the like, let’s just think that we can test all possible combinations of 4 elements out of the input array, looking for those where the first three items sum to the fourth. We’re lucky that Raku has combinations out of the box!

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (*@args) { put special-quadruplets(@args) }

sub special-quadruplets (@nums) {
   combinations(@nums, 4).grep({$_[0..2].sum == $_[3]}).elems

In Perl it will take some more effort… with the help of copy-and-paste from the Combinations iterator:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use List::Util 'sum';

say special_quadruplets(@ARGV);

sub special_quadruplets (@nums) {
   my $it = combinations_iterator(4, @nums);
   my $count = 0;
   while (my ($c, undef) = $it->()) {
      ++$count if sum($c->@[0..2]) == $c->[3];
   return $count;

sub combinations_iterator ($k, @items) {
   my @indexes = (0 .. ($k - 1));
   my $n = @items;
   return sub {
      return unless @indexes;
      my (@combination, @remaining);
      my $j = 0;
      for my $i (0 .. ($n - 1)) {
         if ($j < $k && $i == $indexes[$j]) {
            push @combination, $items[$i];
         else {
            push @remaining, $items[$i];
      for my $incc (reverse(-1, 0 .. ($k - 1))) {
         if ($incc < 0) {
            @indexes = (); # finished!
         elsif ((my $v = $indexes[$incc]) < $incc - $k + $n) {
            $indexes[$_] = ++$v for $incc .. ($k - 1);
      return (\@combination, \@remaining);

Stay safe!

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