PWC201 - Penny Piles


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #201. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an integer, $n > 0.

Write a script to determine the number of ways of putting $n pennies in a row of piles of ascending heights from left to right.


Input: $n = 5
Output: 7

Since $n=5, there are 7 ways of stacking 5 pennies in ascending piles:

    1 1 1 1 1
    1 1 1 2
    1 2 2
    1 1 3
    2 3
    1 4

The questions

I know this became the nitpicker’s corner in time, but I’d argue that ascending piles should mean that slots on the right are greater than those on the left.

The solution

OK, buckle up.

First of all, I’m quite sure that we already did this challenge. I mean, quite sure.

By the way, today I discovered that I re-implemented a program I did some time ago, and I only remembered about it after looking at the results that it produced 🙄

Anyway, let’s do it again. The obvious (for me!) way of addressing this is through a recursive function:

sub penny_piles_recursive ($n) {
   my @valid;
   my @trail;
   sub ($n) {
      push @valid, [@trail] if $n == 0;
      my $min = @trail ? $trail[-1] : 1;
      push @trail, $min;
      while ($trail[-1] <= $n) {
         __SUB__->($n - $trail[-1]);
      pop @trail;
   return \@valid;

Wow, I even remembered to use __SUB__ for the recursive call!

Now, a little interlude. What would it take to transform this function into a solution to the strictly ascending version of the puzzle?

Initially, I thought that it would have been the test:

while ($trail[-1] < $n) { ...

but… no, It’s not. It does not work.

I turns out that it’s in the definition of $min, adding +1:

my $min = @trail ? $trail[-1] + 1 : 1;

OK, enough for this. Turning this function into an iterative version is a little perversion of mine, so here we go. It’s a little tricky, because we have to cater for both starting a new frame as well as returning to a frame:

sub penny_piles_iterative ($n) {
   my @valid;
   my @trail;
   my @stack = ($n);
   while (@stack) {
      push @valid, [@trail] if $stack[-1] == 0;
      if (@trail < @stack) { # initialize
         my $min = @trail ? $trail[-1] : 1;
         push @trail, $min;
      else { # continue this frame's iteration
      if ($trail[-1] <= $stack[-1]) { # "recurse"
         push @stack, $stack[-1] - $trail[-1];
      else { # "return"
         pop @trail;
         pop @stack;
   return \@valid;

At this point, it’s pretty straighforward to turn it into an iterator:

sub penny_piles_iterator ($n) {
   my @trail;
   my @stack = ($n);
   return sub {
      my $retval = undef;
      while (@stack && ! $retval) {
         $retval = [@trail] if $stack[-1] == 0;
         if (@trail < @stack) { # initialize
            my $min = @trail ? $trail[-1] : 1;
            push @trail, $min;
         else { # continue this frame's iteration
         if ($trail[-1] <= $stack[-1]) { # "recurse"
            push @stack, $stack[-1] - $trail[-1];
         else { # "return"
            pop @trail;
            pop @stack;
      return $retval;

Last, we move on to Raku, we we take a little twist by implementing the iterator-based solution, but with objects insteaad:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (Int $n where * > 0 = 5) {
   class PennyPilesIterator { ... }
   my $it =$n);
   while defined(my $seq = $ {
   put $it.count;

class PennyPilesIterator {
   has @!trail is built;
   has @!stack is built;
   has $.count = 0;

   method new ($n) { self.bless(trail => [], stack => [$n]) }

   method next () {
      my $retval = Nil;
      while (@!stack && ! $retval) {
         if @!stack[*-1] == 0 {
            $retval = [ |@!trail ];
         if (@!trail < @!stack) { # initialize
            my $min = @!trail ?? @!trail[*-1] !! 1;
            @!trail.push: $min;
         else { # continue this frame's iteration
         if (@!trail[*-1] <= @!stack[*-1]) { # "recurse"
            @!stack.push: @!stack[*-1] - @!trail[*-1];
         else { # "return"
      return $retval;

Enough, stay safe folks!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!