Monty Hall - the comeback!


Additional twists on The Monty Hall problem.

It starts from a toot by Ovid:

One of my favorite logic puzzles, and one people get wrong all the time.

You’re given three doors, A, B, and C. There is a prize behind one. If you choose the right door, you win the prize.

You choose a door and the host opens a door you didn’t choose and shows there’s no prize. You’re given a chance to change your mind and switch your choice to the remaining unopened door.

Do you change your mind or not? Why or why not?

It immediately struck me that there’s no mention about how the host opends one of the doors that were not chosen, and I was about to ask about it. Only to find that it had already been discussed in the thread.

So I asked them to implement their ideas, so that we can talk about some code where things are expressed very precisely. Just to remember that… I already did this in The Monty Hall problem!

Except that I never implemented the totally random host, so here we go with an update, where the host is also allowed to reveal the big prize:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use List::Util 'shuffle';

our $WIN = 'car';
our $LOSE = 'goat';

my ($player_class, $monty_class) = @ARGV;
my $player = $player_class->new;
my $monty  = $monty_class->new;
my $total = 1_000;
my $wins = 0;
for (1 .. $total) {
   $wins++ if monty_hall_round($player, $monty);
my $percentage = sprintf '%.1f%%', 100 * $wins / $total;
say "What a season! $player_class won $percentage of times!";

sub monty_hall_round ($player, $monty) {
   my @door_names = ('Door A', 'Door B', 'Door C');

   # build a scenario
   my %prize_behind;
   @prize_behind{@door_names} = shuffle($WIN, $LOSE, $LOSE);

   # let the player choose
   my $player_choice = $player->initial_choice(\@door_names);
   say "Well! Player chose $player_choice...";

   my ($revealed, $unrevealed) = $monty->reveal(
      \%prize_behind, $player_choice, \@door_names);
   say "Look at this! A $prize_behind{$_} behind $_!"
      for $revealed->@*;

   if ($player->swaps_with($unrevealed)) {
      say "Player swaps $player_choice with $unrevealed!";
      $player_choice = $unrevealed;
   else {
      say "Player keeps $player_choice!";
   say '';

   return $prize_behind{$player_choice} eq $WIN;
} ## end sub monty_hall_round

package Player;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
sub initial_choice ($self, $alternatives) {
   my @alts = $alternatives->@*;
   $self->{alternatives} = \@alts;
   $self->{initial} = @alts[rand @alts];
sub swaps_with ($self, $unrevealed) { ... }

package StubbornPlayer;
use parent -norequire => 'Player';
sub swaps_with ($self, $unrevealed) { return 0 } # never swaps

package MathsPlayer;
use parent -norequire => 'Player';
sub swaps_with ($self, $unrevealed) { return 1 } # always swaps

package RandomPlayer;
use parent -norequire => 'Player';
sub swaps_with ($self, $unrevealed) { return int rand 2 }

package ABCPlayer;
use parent -norequire => 'Player';
sub swaps_with ($self, $unrevealed) {
   for my $alternative ($self->{alternatives}->@*) {
      next if $alternative eq $self->{initial};
      return $alternative eq $unrevealed;

package MontyHall;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
sub unchosen ($self, $scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives) {
   my (@wins, @loses);
   for my $alternative ($alternatives->@*) {
      next if $alternative eq $player_choice;
      if ($scenario->{$alternative} eq $WIN) {
         push @wins, $alternative;
      else {
         push @loses, $alternative;
   return (\@loses, \@wins);
sub reveal ($self, $scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives) { ... }

package RandomMontyHall;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use parent -norequire => 'MontyHall';
sub reveal ($self, $scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives) {
   my $n_unchosen = $alternatives->@* - 1;
   my ($unchosen_loses, $unchosen_wins) =
      $self->unchosen($scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives);
   my @loses = shuffle($unchosen_loses->@*);

   # reveal exactly n-1 of the unchosen doors!
   my @revealed = splice @loses, 0, $n_unchosen - 1;
   my ($unrevealed) = (@loses, $unchosen_wins->@*);
   return(\@revealed, $unrevealed);

package TotallyRandomMontyHall;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use parent -norequire => 'MontyHall';
sub reveal ($self, $scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives) {
   say "alternatives($alternatives->@*) $player_choice";
   my @revealed = grep { $_ ne $player_choice } $alternatives->@*;
   my $unrevealed = splice @revealed, rand(2), 1;
   return(\@revealed, $unrevealed);

package OrderedMontyHall;
use parent -norequire => 'MontyHall';
sub reveal ($self, $scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives) {
   my $n_unchosen = $alternatives->@* - 1;
   my ($unchosen_loses, $unchosen_wins) =
      $self->unchosen($scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives);
   my @loses = $unchosen_loses->@*; # NO SHUFFLING HERE!!!

   # reveal exactly n-1 of the unchosen doors!
   my @revealed = splice @loses, 0, $n_unchosen - 1;
   my ($unrevealed) = (@loses, $unchosen_wins->@*);
   return(\@revealed, $unrevealed);

You might notice that I always return an array reference for revealed doors and a single unrevealed door back. This is peculiar in the regular Monty Hall problem, of course, as there are only two doors that the host can choose from; it can help generalize the problem to much more doors, though.

Anyway, here’s the two modifications from the previous implementations:

  1. there’s a new host TotallyRandomMontyHall, which does not care what’s behind the door they’re going to open (which is still chosen randomly):
package TotallyRandomMontyHall;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use parent -norequire => 'MontyHall';
sub reveal ($self, $scenario, $player_choice, $alternatives) {
   say "alternatives($alternatives->@*) $player_choice";
   my @revealed = grep { $_ ne $player_choice } $alternatives->@*;
   my $unrevealed = splice @revealed, rand(2), 1;
   return(\@revealed, $unrevealed);
  1. because the host can reveal the big prize, we have to change the chronicles code a bit inside monty_hall_round:
say "Look at this! A $prize_behind{$_} behind $_!"
    for $revealed->@*;

So… how did it go?

# MathPlayer always changes idea
$ perl MathsPlayer TotallyRandomMontyHall
What a season! MathsPlayer won 32.2% of times!

# StubbornPlayer never changes idea
$ perl StubbornPlayer TotallyRandomMontyHall
What a season! StubbornPlayer won 32.4% of times!

# RandomPlayer changes idea by flipping a coin
$ perl RandomPlayer TotallyRandomMontyHall
What a season! RandomPlayer won 33.2% of times!

# ABCPlayer tries some magic
$ perl ABCPlayer TotallyRandomMontyHall
What a season! ABCPlayer won 32.4% of times!

There you go folks… if the host does not know what’s behind the door they’re going to reveal, whatever your strategy you’re just getting $\frac{1}{3}$ probability to win the big prize on average.

This makes sense:

  • if the host reveals the big prize, whatever you do you are getting a goat. So you’re going to lose at least $\frac{1}{3}$ of the times on average
  • otherwise, half of the times you already have the prize and half of the times you don’t. Which means… you win with probability $\frac{1}{3}$ overall.


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