ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
PWC200 - Seven Segment 200
On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #200. Enjoy!
The challenge
A seven segment display is an electronic component, usually used to display digits. The segments are labeled
as shown:
The encoding of each digit can thus be represented compactly as a truth table:
my @truth = qw<abcdef bc abdeg abcdg bcfg acdfg a cdefg abc abcdefg abcfg>;
For example, $truth[1] = ‘bc’. The digit 1 would have segments ‘b’ and ‘c’ enabled.
Write a program that accepts any decimal number and draws that number as a horizontal sequence of ASCII seven segment displays, similar to the following:
------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | | | | ------- | | | | | | | | | | ------- ------- -------
To qualify as a seven segment display, each segment must be drawn (or not drawn) according to your @truth table.
The number
was of course chosen to celebrate our200th
The questions
Do you know that there is a stray space in the representation of the
number 6
The solution
Each line of the output depends on either one or two segments. In
particular, the a
, d
, and g
determine horizontal segments, while
the other ones contribute to vertical ones, pair by pair. This is what
we will be using in our Perl code, then:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
say render_seven_segment(shift // 200);
sub render_seven_segment ($number) {
state $truth = [
map { +{ map { $_ => 1 } split m{}mxs, $_ } }
qw<abcdef bc abdeg abcdg bcfg acdfg acdefg abc abcdefg abcfg>
state $h_line = sub ($letter, @digits) {
state $segment = [ ' ' x 7, ' ' . ('-' x 5) . ' ' ];
join ' ',
map { $segment->[$truth->[$_]{$letter} ? 1 : 0] } @digits
state $v_line = sub ($left, $right, @digits) {
state $sep = ' ' x 5;
join ' ', map {
my $digit = $truth->[$_];
join $sep, map { $digit->{$_} ? '|' : ' ' } ($left, $right);
} @digits;
my @digits = split m{}mxs, $number;
return join "\n",
$h_line->('a', @digits),
($v_line->('f', 'b', @digits)) x 2,
$h_line->('g', @digits),
($v_line->('e', 'c', @digits)) x 2,
$h_line->('d', @digits);
It’s easy to translate this into Raku, although there’s probably a more idiomatic way of doing this. Whatever!
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN ($number = 200) { put render-seven-segment($number) }
sub render-seven-segment ($number) {
state @truth =
<abcdef bc abdeg abcdg bcfg acdfg acdefg abc abcdefg abcfg>
.map: {{$_ => 1}).Hash };
sub h_line ($letter, @digits) {
state @segment = ' ' x 7, ' ' ~ ('-' x 5) ~ ' ';{ @segment[@truth[$_]{$letter} ?? 1 !! 0] }).join(' ');
sub v_line ($left, $right, @digits) {
state $sep = ' ' x 5;{
my $d = @truth[$_];
($left, $right).map({$d{$_} ?? '|' !! ' '}).join($sep);
}).join(' ');
my @digits = $number.comb;
h_line('a', @digits),
v_line('f', 'b', @digits) xx 2,
h_line('g', @digits),
v_line('e', 'c', @digits) xx 2,
h_line('d', @digits),
).flat.join: "\n";
Stay safe!