AoC 2022/12 - Human-machine interface solution


On with Advent of Code puzzle 12 from 2022: solving the puzzle with a little human insight.

When I see path search puzzles my brain goes automatically to the A* algorithm. I know that going by default solutions can be dangerous, but I’ve got a Raku implementation and I want to use it when possible.

Let’s start from the beginning, i.e. reading the inputs:

sub get-inputs ($filename) {
   my @field = $
            $_ eq 'S'    ?? -101
            !! $_ eq 'E' ?? 101
            !! .ord - 'a'.ord
         }).Array }
   my (@start, @end);
   for (^@field X ^@field[0]) -> ($y, $x) {
      if @field[$y][$x] < -100 { @start = $x, $y; @field[$y][$x] = 0 }
      if @field[$y][$x] > 100  { @end   = $x, $y; @field[$y][$x] = 'z'.ord - 'a'.ord }
   return {
      start => @start,
      end   => @end,
      field => @field,

There must surely be a better way to do this! I’m especially ashamed about going through the field twice, so that i can properly track where the Start and the End are located. Whatever.

Part 1 of the puzzle is about finding the shortest path according to some rules for going upwards. I saw a meme or two about this, and I wholeheartedly agree: we can jump down as much as we want?!? Whatever.

So the solution is pretty straightforward:

sub part1 ($inputs) {
   my @path = path($inputs, $inputs<start>, $inputs<end>);
   return @path.elems - 1;

Uh… ehm… right, this is path:

sub path ($inputs, $from, $to) {
   my \rows = $inputs<field>.elems;
   my \cols = $inputs<field>[0].elems;
   my $nav =
      distance => -> $u, $v { 1 },
      successors => -> $pos {
         my ($px, $py) = @$pos;
         my $max = $inputs<field>[$py][$px] + 1;
         my @valid =
         gather for ([$px-1,$py], [$px+1,$py], [$px,$py-1], [$px,$py+1]) -> ($x, $y) {
            next unless 0 <= $y < rows && 0 <= $x < cols;
            take [$x, $y] if $inputs<field>[$y][$x] <= $max;
      heuristic => {($^v «-» $^w).map(*²).sum.sqrt},
      identifier => {$^v.join(',')},
   return $$from, $to);

It’s just a wrapper around Astar to feed it the right data, with particular reference to finding the successors for each position.

Part 2 is supposed to be more challenging because it asks about finding another starting spot among… a lot of possible starting positions. I mean a lot.

The most clever apprach I saw about it is to reverse the search and start from the end, up until the closest a character in the map. I mean… Flavio, you might use your brain every now and then!

But I started brute-forcing it, just to understand that it was not the right way to go. There are so many candidates for the starting position that this is not feasible.

So I thought about looking at the inputs. There are many as and cs there… but whatever the starting point, it must have a b to make the first step, right?

So I went for the human-machine interface and looked at the input. Not general, I know, so my solution will most probably not be general at all. Whatever.

Then I saw that all bs are in the second column! Look by yourself:


Well… not really a clear view, right? Whatever.

This insight makes it possible to only check the a characters in the first column as a starting point:

sub part2 ($inputs) {
   my \rows = $inputs<field>.elems;
   my \cols = $inputs<field>[0].elems;
   my $best = cols * rows;
   for (0 X ^rows) -> ($x, $y) {
      next if $inputs<field>[$y][$x] > 0;
      my @path = path($inputs, [$x, $y], $inputs<end>);
      my $n = @path.elems;
      $best = $n if $best > $n;
   return $best - 1;

It’s not fast, it’s not smart… but it works!

Full solution.

Stay safe!

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