AES - Key stuff


Key Expansion and usage within AES, in Perl.

Protection in AES is provided by the (shared) key, which is a variable-length amount of hopefully randomish data. The key lengths allowed by the standard are 128 bits (i.e. 16 octets), 192 bits (24 octets), and 256 bits (32 octets).

For the purposes of the algorithm, the key is expanded into a longer sequence of bits, deterministically. Think of it like you have a random number generator, and you use the key to set it in a specific state from which you draw the bits that are needed by the other moving parts of the algorithm.

The Perl code to implement the key expansion algorithm is the following:

sub key_expansion ($key) {
   state $Nb = 4;

   my $Nk = length($key) / $Nb;
   my $Nr = $Nk + 6;
   my @w;

   # bootstrap @w copying the key
   push @w, substr $key, $Nb * $_, $Nb for 0 .. $Nk - 1;

   my $rcon0 = "\x01";
   while (@w < $Nb * ($Nr + 1)) {
      my $i_mod_Nk = @w % $Nk;
      my $temp     = $w[-1];
      if ($i_mod_Nk == 0) {
         $temp = sub_word(rot_word($temp)) ^ ($rcon0 . ("\x00" x 3));
         $rcon0 = GF_2_8_mult($rcon0, "\x02");
      elsif ($Nk > 6 && $i_mod_Nk == 4) {
         $temp = sub_word($temp);
      push @w, $w[-$Nk] ^ $temp;
   } ## end while (@w < $Nb * ($Nr + ...))

   my @schedule;
   push @schedule, join '', splice @w, 0, 4 while @w;
   return \@schedule;
} ## end sub key_expansion ($key)

The word length $Nb is fixed in AES to 32 bits, or 4 octets. It should probably belong to a common constant, here we’re getting it as a state variable so that we don’t re-initialize it all the times.

Depending on the key length, AES operates in rounds over the data; each round needs its word of data from the key, so we have to expand it as much as to cover all the rounds. Variable $Nr keeps the value of how many rounds we have to cover (here I’m just using a magic number, adding 6 to the number of words in the key $Nk).

The sub_word and rot_word functions used in the loop are simple manipulations over words. The former applies the same operation as sub_bytes over the word itself, the latter is just taking the last octet and placing it in the front.

sub sub_word ($word) { join '', sub_bytes([split m{}mxs, $word])->@* }

sub rot_word ($word) { substr($word, 1) . substr($word, 0, 1) }

This function lets us transform the key into a key schedule, which will then come handy when we will put all pieces together. In particular, it will be used to feed the second parameter to another key aspect (pun intended!) of the algorithm, i.e. AddRoundKey:

sub add_round_key ($state, $key) {
   my @key = split m{}mxs, $key;
   $state->[$_] ^= $key[$_] for 0 .. $state->$#*;
   return $state;

As we will see, at each round we will take a piece from the key schedule and use it to perform a transformation on the input data, using add_round_key. The inverse function is the same as add_round_key, so there’s no need to code it.

One last interesting bit is the key schedule modification, which will come handy in coding the inverse ciphering algorithm. It’s a procedure that modifies the key schedule so that things appear in the right place at the right time:

sub modify_key_schedule_copy ($s) { modify_key_schedule_inplace([$s->@*]) }

sub modify_key_schedule_inplace ($schedule) {
   for my $kid (1 .. $schedule->$#* - 1) {    # work on mid stuff only
      my $imc = inv_mix_columns([split m{}mxs, $schedule->[$kid]]);
      $schedule->[$kid] = join '', $imc->@*;
   $schedule->@* = reverse $schedule->@*;
   return $schedule;
} ## end sub modify_key_schedule_inplace ($schedule)

There are two versions, one that destroys the original key, substituting it with the modified schedule, and the other one that produces a copy.

Stay safe!

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