Codeberg Pages - Custom domains


Some remarks on using custom domains in Codeberg Pages.

The instructions at Codeberg Pages were concise and to the point, although possibly a little too much. Even the documentation page, although more verbose, left me with some holes. I’m very happy that I could help a bit with a few examples and they were accepted!

One thing that I learned the hard way was how the .domains file is supposed to be written. Initially, I thought that setting the custom domain was sufficient, like this:

This is, after all, how it is done with a similar file in a different platform.

Alas, this is not the case. Then I noticed this in the old docs:

a .domains file in the repository (in the branch in question), containing a list of domains that shall be usable to access that repository:

  • One domain per line, you can leave lines empty and comment out lines with #.

  • All domains (including * will be redirected to the first domain in that file.

The second bullet was interesting and pointed me to the right direction. I initially thought that it was some optional part but no, it’s necessary!

So the right file has at least two rows, the first one with the custom domain, and the other ones all the Codeberg Pages sub-domains tied to that custom domain, like this:

Now it worked for me!

Gusted helped me to fix the changes to make things clearer, which led us to this:

a .domains file in the repository (in the branch in question), containing a list of all domains that shall be usable to access that repository, according to the following rules:

  • One domain per line, you can leave lines empty and comment out lines with #.

  • The first domain is the main one where all other domains in the file will be redirected to.

  • The rest of the list includes also all relevant * domains for the specific repository.

If it’s still unclear to you… by al means chime in, people at Codeberg are very supportive!

Stay safe folks!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!