Curses::UI and signatures


There’s some attention to take when using Curses::UI with Perl signatures.

I was looking at Curses::UI and hit a problem with this slight adaptation 🙄 of the stock tutorial code:

use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

use Curses::UI;

my $cui = new Curses::UI(-color_support => 1);
my $win = $cui->add(win => 'Window');
my $ted = $win->add(text => 'TextEditor', -text => 'Ahoy!');

$cui->set_binding(\&exit_dialog, "\cQ");

sub exit_dialog ($c) {
   exit 0
     if $c->dialog(
      -message => 'Do you really want to quit?',
      -title   => 'Are you sure???',
      -buttons => ['yes', 'no'],
} ## end sub exit_dialog

This starts, shows stuff, lets me type things… but when I hit CTRL-Q to exit it fails miserably, exiting with exit code 255 without showing the confirmation dialog.

What gives?

The callback function exit_dialog called through the binding with the key is called with two parameters, i.e. the object where the binding belongs (i.e. $cui in our example) and the sequence bound to the callback (because there might be many bound to the same callback).

The same callback might also be reused in a menu, in which case it would be passed one single argument (i.e. the menu object). So if we plan on using the same callback in multiple places, we better plan on accepting a variable number of input parameters:

use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

use Curses::UI;

my $cui = new Curses::UI(-color_support => 1);
my $win = $cui->add(win => 'Window');
my $ted = $win->add(text => 'TextEditor', -text => 'Ahoy!');

$cui->set_binding(\&exit_dialog, "\cQ");

sub exit_dialog ($c, @rest) {
   exit 0
     if $c->dialog(
      -message => 'Do you really want to quit?',
      -title   => 'Are you sure???',
      -buttons => ['yes', 'no'],
} ## end sub exit_dialog

This works, yay!

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