PWC164 - Prime Palindrome


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #164. Enjoy!

The challenge

Write a script to find all prime numbers less than 1000, which are also palindromes in base 10. Palindromic numbers are numbers whose digits are the same in reverse. For example, 313 is a palindromic prime, but 337 is not, even though 733 (337 reversed) is also prime.

The questions

Is 1000 a hard and fast limit? What else would it make sense to consider?

The solution

The question is not much about lazyness but about how to find out candidate primes. With a limit of 1000, it makes sense to be brutal and filter out primes and palindromes out of the first 1000 candidates - well, 999 not considering 1, which might be shaved a bit more by removing 1000 (even), 999 (multiple of 3), then pretty much down to 989 (not palindrome).

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;

sub is-palindrome (Int $n) { $n.Str eq $n.Str.flip }

sub MAIN (Int $max = 989) {
   (2 .. $max).grep({.is-prime && is-palindrome($_)}).put;

The limited upper limit is even more interesting for the Perl alternative, because is_prime is not a built-in and we have to either download and use it from ntheory, or code it ourselves. This latter approach makes sense for this low upper limit.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

my $max = shift // 989;
say join ' ', grep {is_prime($_) && is_palindrome($_)} 2 .. $max;

sub is_palindrome ($n) { $n eq reverse $n }

sub is_prime { #
   return if $_[0] < 2;
   return 1 if $_[0] <= 3;
   return unless ($_[0] % 2) && ($_[0] % 3);
   for (my $i = 6 - 1; $i * $i <= $_[0]; $i += 6) {
      return unless ($_[0] % $i) && ($_[0] % ($i + 2));
   return 1;

Both programs give the same output, so I guess they’re bugged in the same way… or correct.

Stay safe!

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