App::Easer V2 - an object in the object (sort of)


The basic object underlying App::Easer V2.

One of the design choices when moving to V2 was to switch to an object oriented interface and make it so each command would be an object with some pre-defined, overridable methods. Nothing really new here, because the idea is stolen from other modules in CPAN, notably App::Cmd.

This of course has the drawback of polluting the class the the user of the module will eventually build, by placing a lot of methods that are supposed to have a specific semantic. While I would normally be skeptical of such pervasiveness, on the other hand the user of the module is there to take advantage precisely of those methods, by filling in the minimal stuff and having ample space to do whatever they like with the rest of the namespace. Except, of course, if App::Easer is going to evolve further.

One thing, though, where I’m a bit more weary of imposing an implementation choice is how data is kept inside the object, and surely App::Easer V2 tracks a lot of data, from the specification-side parts (like the sources to look for configuration, the help and the description, …) up to the dynamically gathered configuration.

This, coupled with not taking a decision to adopt a specific object system (it would have been Moo, anyway), led to a problem at a higher level: how to keep the stuff and how much it would clash with a user’s stuff.

This is why I went for a sort of “object in the object” approach, in which the code in App::Easer::V2::Command (which is the base class for… commands) only relies in the presence of a sub-hash where it keeps all the stuff.

So, by default the object is a classic hash reference, which only contains one single key/value pair, the key being the package name with which the new method is being called (I’m still trying to figure out if this is a clever or a dumb move), and the value being a hash reference with the relevant data:

sub new ($pkg, @args) {
   my $slot = {
   my $self = bless {$pkg => $slot}, $pkg;
   return $self;
} ## end sub new

This reduces the “invasion surface” to a minimum, but it’s even possible to completely switch gears and use a completely different object system, e.g. based on inside-out objects, or blessing an array reference and still avoid reimplementing a lot of the stuff provided out of the box, by means of overriding the slot method:

sub slot ($self) { return $self->{blessed($self)} //= {} }

This method just returns the hash (reference) with all the stuff managed by App::Easer V2, so every accessor relies on it to gather that hash reference. This is done itself in two steps, with a cheap implementation of an easy way to get set/get accessors relying on the following functions:

sub _rwn ($self, $name, @newval) {
   my $vref = \$self->slot->{$name};
   $$vref = $newval[0] if @newval;
   return $$vref;
sub _rw ($s, @n) { $s->_rwn((caller(1))[3] =~ s{.*::}{}rmxs, @n) }

Function _rwn is the one calling slot (which can be overridden) to get the hash reference back and poke into it. Function _rw gets the name of the attribute to look for from caller and calls back to _rwn, implementing the cheap way to define accessors like this:

sub allow_residual_options ($self, @r) { $self->_rw(@r) }
sub auto_environment       ($self, @r) { $self->_rw(@r) }
sub call_name              ($self, @r) { $self->_rw(@r) }

So, for example, sub call_name calls sub _rw, which uses core function caller to determine the string call_name to pass to sub _rwn and get the associated value. I hope this makes sense in words as it does in code!

If someone is interested into providing a different way of handling their own objects, it would suffice to override slot and provide a hash reference back (well, consistently the same hash reference for the same instance, anyway!), like for example:

package BasedOnArray;
use App::Easer::V2 '-command'; # inherits from App::Easer::V2::Command

# let's assume the object is kept as a blessed array reference, whose
# very first item is our "slot" hash reference...
sub new {
    my $package = shift;
    my $slot = $package->SUPER::new(@_)->SUPER::slot;
    my $self = bless [$slot, @_], $package;
    return $self;

sub slot { return shift->[0] }

So yeah, this is an attempt to play it nice with a user’s decision to adopt this or that object system… but I still have to see if it’s going to hold water. For now, anyway, I’ve taken the most common approach provided out of the box by the langage.

Stay safe!

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