Active Directory time thing


Converting from and to the Active Directory way of representing time.

OK, let’s make one thing clear up front: I’m no expert in LDAP or Active Directory, and if there’s one socratic thing I know about time representation is that they are beyond. You draw the line, then go beyond. So the code I’m describing here basically works for me in 2022 dealing with problems in and around 2022, where precision to the second is really not a thing because Active Directory is used to track times whose higher-level evolution mechanism goes by the day/days.

This is in no way to deflect criticism of what I’m going to write, which is appreciated. This is a warning that what I’m writing may be, and probably is indeed, flawed and working for me only, so you have to double check that it works for you too in all your cases. Ultimately, it will be your responsibility to check this.

Ready? Let’s start with what got me up to speed.

Many attributes in Active Directory, most notably for me accountExpires (sorry, I write it as I read it from the LDAP responses), are represented with a huge, 64-bits integer (well, 63 actually) that

[…] represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).

I really don’t want to go into the details about it, you know. Why January 1st, 1601 and not, say, October 15th, 1582 which is less than 20 years before (so perfectly reachable). Or, why the unit (tenth of a microsecond). Or why they smashed the most significant bit, which I understand is never used. I mean, it is what it is.

From my practical perspective, I’m good in using a lot of stuff that uses the Unix epoch, including the venerable gmtime/localtime routines in Perl. So there’s a bit of Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion to be done, and I’m OK with a formula.

In our case, there are two numbers to keep in mind:

  • epochs are expressed in seconds, so $1_{eu} = 10^7_{adu}$ (where eu stands for epoch units and adu stands for Active Directory units)
  • the difference in seconds between the two starting times is $11644473600$.

I usually also account for both $0$ and $0x7fffffffffffffff$ (yes, it’s one $7$ followed by fifteen $f$-s) to yield a special undef because they’re often used to mark a special condition.

So, in a perl that supports 64-bit integers and some indulgence for magic numbers:

sub adtime_to_epoch {
    return undef if $_[0] == 0 || $_[0] == 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff;
    $_[0] / 10_000_000 - 11644473600;

sub epoch_to_adtime {
    defined $_[0] ? ($_[0] + 11644473600) * 10_000_000 : 0;

print scalar(gmtime adtime_to_epoch(shift)), "\n";

This seems to work fine with a time thingie from today:

$ perl /tmp/ 132891465010000000
Sat Feb 12 13:35:01 2022

So, future me… here you go.

Stay safe folks!

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