Role-like augmentation


One way to add methods in a class, similar to how Roles would work.

One of the design goals of the evolution twist Iā€™d like to give App::Easer is to move to an object-oriented approach and allow overriding some of the behaviours through inheritance.

Well, it should suffice to useā€¦ inheritance, right?

Well, not so fast.

First of all, we should decide where to inherit from. I donā€™t want all the ā€œsupportā€ stuff in App::Easer to bloat the class implementing the command. This might be solved in some way (e.g. with a workhorse sub-package that the command class inherits from), but still Iā€™m playing with ideas, right?

Second, this would leave open the issue of where to put the commandā€™s specification. One possibility is to keep it in a packageā€™s stash (e.g. see Augmenting Exporter, or to put it directly in the commandā€™s stash, much like Exporter itself does).

This is why the injection of methods a-posteriori (and only if they are not present) that is typical of Roles is fascinating: it would allow us to do the augmentation by installing custom crafted methods, which might close over the specification hash references, thus providing a higher level of encapsulation.

Letā€™s look at an example. The first class Augmentable can beā€¦ augmented by class Augmenting of two methods keep_this_please and provide_this_instead, but only the latter gets installed from Augmenting because Augmentable already has it.

OK, this was super-confusing, the code will clear up the fog:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

package Augmentable;
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

use File::Basename 'dirname';
use lib dirname(__FILE__);

use Augmenting 'augment';


exit sub (@args) {
   require Test::More;

   my $obj = Augmentable->new;
   ok($obj, 'inside!');
   can_ok($obj, 'keep_this_please');
   is($obj->keep_this_please, 'this was kept', 'method kept');
   can_ok($obj, 'provide_this_instead');
   is($obj->provide_this_instead, 'here you go', 'method provided');

   return 0;
}->(@ARGV) unless caller;

sub new { bless {}, shift }

sub keep_this_please { return 'this was kept' }


Class Augmentable imports function augment from Augmenting and will expect to be able to call two methods keep_this_please and provide_this_instead, as anticipated.

The exit sub ... unless caller stuff is classic modulino style.

The keep_this_please is provided by the class itself, so our expectation is that it will not be overwritten, while provide_this_instead should come from Augmenting.

So letā€™s look at Augmenting:

package Augmenting;
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw< augment >;

sub augment (@args) {
   my $target = caller;
   for my $name (qw< keep_this_please provide_this_instead >) {
      next if $target->can($name);
      no strict 'refs';
      *{$target . '::' . $name} = __PACKAGE__->can($name);

sub keep_this_please { return 'this has been overridden' }
sub provide_this_instead { return 'here you go' }


The augment() function does all the magic: it iterates through the methods to inject, skipping them if they are already present in the $target, and adding them otherwise.

The Augmentable package file also doubles down as a modulino, so we can see it in action:

$ perl ./ 
ok 1 - inside!
ok 2 - Augmentable->can('keep_this_please')
ok 3 - method kept
ok 4 - Augmentable->can('provide_this_instead')
ok 5 - method provided

One last thought, augment must be called explicitly and cannot be ā€œembeddedā€ in the use Augmenting ... statement easily. As use works at compile time (as I understand it, in the equivalent of a BEGIN block), it only gets to see the methods in Augmentable that have already been defined. As such, at time of loading it has no clue about what Augmentable provides by itself and what it needs to be injected. Sure I might explore the use of CHECK and INITā€¦ but Iā€™d like to keep it simple if possible!

I guess this is all, stay safe everyone šŸ˜„

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