ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
Augmenting Exporter
Exporter can be easily “augmented”.
One of the things I’m looking into for deciding a slick interface for
App::Easer is the import
mechanism that happens when some module
is use
Which brings us to Exporter, of course.
My idea is to allow specifying something in the import list, while
still allowing it to have its usual meaning of list of stuff that can
be imported, according to @EXPORT_OK
In the following example, we intercept import option -spec
and its
following companion hash reference, while letting the rest go to
Exporter’s import mechanism:
package Augmenter;
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use Carp ();
our %spec_for;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw< foo bar >;
sub import ($package, @args) {
my $target = caller;
my @args_for_exporter;
while (@args) {
my $request = shift @args;
if ($request eq '-spec') {
Carp::croak "no specification provided"
unless @args;
Carp::croak "invalid specification provided"
unless ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH';
$spec_for{$target} = shift @args;
else { push @args_for_exporter, $request }
$package->export_to_level(1, $package, @args_for_exporter);
sub foo { ... }
sub bar { ... }
The basic trick is to filter the “extension” parts out of the array that
is eventually passed down to export_to_level
(which is Exporter’s
suggested method for doing this kind of intermediate stuff).
It’s interesting that we have to put the $package
value between the
and @args_for_exporter
. Well, I’m not 100% sure that it MUST
always by $package
, probably any scalar value will do; in any case,
the function is supposed to expect a list of parameter in the same shape
as that that arrives to import()
itself, which includes the package
name. In my perl
installation, for example, I find this in
Exporter::Heavy (which carries the actual implementation for
sub heavy_export_to_level
my $pkg = shift;
my $level = shift;
(undef) = shift; # XXX redundant arg
my $callpkg = caller($level);
$pkg->export($callpkg, @_);
The (undef) = shift
line tells us that anything can do… but I’ll
stick to pass in the $package
name, just to be on the safe side 🙄
So… I invite you too to remain on the safe side, as always!