AoC 2021/25 - Sea traffic jam


On with Advent of Code puzzle 25 from 2021: some nice ASCII Art fiddling

Eventually we got to December 25th in 2021, and we found a present under the tree. Some good ol’ puzzle that took “the right people” less than 10 minutes to read, understand, and code.

Admittedly, though, this time there is only one half of the puzzle to be solved: if we arrive here with the 48 stars from the previous 24 days, solving this last one will give us the keys to heaven. Well, maybe not heaven… but surely the keys to Santa’s sleigh. So, in hindsight, also “the right people” seems to have arrived a bit exhausted at the end of this year’s Advent of Code, which is somehow reassuring for my ego.

“A common bad is a half joy” as the say goes here in Italy. Not sure it stood the test of time though, but I’m digressing.

In the puzzle we’re requested to understand the traffic of some little creatures on the bottom of the sea, arranged in a classical ASCII grid. I decided to go full matrix to handle it, so here’s how I read it:

sub get-inputs ($filename) {

Using Raku shifted me from using split (which focuses on separators) to comb (which focuses on the stuff I’m interested into). I’m still not convinced this is a real gain, though: in many real-world situations it’s often easier to tell how the separator is shaped, as opposed to more mutable “interesting” inputs, and the change in split’s semantics (compared to Perl) make it less… do what I mean. Anyway, in this case comb is perfect.

I use to toss a .Array at the end of the stuff I read because I’ve been biten too often by a complaint the I already exhausted the iterator for a sequence. This is another place where I’d like to have different defaults that do what I mean, at least for what gradual typing is concerned.

The solution requires detecting when the situation comes to a freeze, so we have to compare two snapshots to spot differences. How about a printable version of the matrix?

sub printable ($field) { $field».join('').join("\n") }

As I probably already said, I love the hyperoperator to apply a single operation onto each element of a listy thing (like ».join('') here).

The main logic is the following: we keep a $pre snapshot from the previous step (initialized with the starting state), do one full step, take another snapshot and exit the loop if they are the same.

sub part1 ($inputs) {
   my $steps = 0;
   my $pre = printable($inputs);
   loop {
      my $post = printable($inputs);
      last if $pre eq $post;
      $pre = $post;
   return $steps + 1;

I definitely remember thinking that the freezing step happens one step before what we are requested in the puzzle. If I come to a halt at step 57, I’ll figure this out in step 58. Somehow I felt that the required output did not make justice to the whole situation, and this is quite evident from the coding: ++$steps appears after the exit condition for the loop, and the return value is $steps + 1.

I could have simplified the whole thing like this instead:

sub part1 ($inputs) {
   my $steps = 0;
   my $pre = printable($inputs);
   loop {
      my $post = printable($inputs);
      return $steps if $pre eq $post;
      $pre = $post;

but I chose not to. This is my coding protest towards what I considered an injust formulation of the expectations. Those poor sea cucumbers grind to a halt one step before! How is it possible that I’m the only one seeing it?!?

Well well… maybe I was a bit taken by this. Where was I?

I decided to give an indication that there was nothing more to this puzzle, with a little citation from The Matrix. At the end of the day, we’re dealing with a matrix of characters, right?

sub part2 ($inputs) { return 'there is no part2...' }

Moving on the implementation, a step is composed of two ticks, one where the east-facing creatures move, followed by one where the south-facing creatures move. To keep things compact, we have one single tick function, taking the $field as input, as well as the indication of the direction to take care of. Then our step is just applying this tick twice, in the right order:

sub step ($field) { tick(tick($field, east => True), east => False) }

And finally we’re at the real meat of the solution for this last puzzle:

sub tick ($field, Bool:D :$east) {
   my @limits = $field.elems, $field[0].elems;
   @limits = @limits.reverse unless $east;
   my $moving = $east ?? '>' !! 'v';
   my $empty  = '.';
   for ^@limits[0] -> $o {    # "o"uter
      my $just-moved = False;
      my $first-moved = False;
      for ^@limits[1] -> $i { # "i"nner
         my $I = ($i + 1) % @limits[1];
         last if $I < $i && $first-moved;
         if $just-moved { # skip if already moved
            $just-moved = False;
         $just-moved = False;
         my ($R, $C) = $east ?? ($o, $I) !! ($I, $o);
         next unless $field[$R][$C] eq $empty;
         my ($r, $c) = $east ?? ($o, $i) !! ($i, $o);
         next unless $field[$r][$c] eq $moving;
         $field[$R][$C] = $moving;
         $field[$r][$c] = $empty;
         $just-moved = True;
         $first-moved = True if $i == 0;
   return $field;

Solving this puzzle is trickier than I expected because these sea cucumbers seem to give flat-earthers an edge and they wrap on the edges, Pac-Man style. Hence we have to be very careful to avoid moving items too many times in a single tick. There is probably a better, simpler way to express this… but I was so mentally tired at this point that hammering one sort-of-working solution here and there until it worked was good enough for me.

Now it seems that I’ve come to the last puzzle… but not at the end of it! I know too well that I didn’t comment the first three puzzles, which I’ll hopefully do in the coming days. We have an off-by-three situation here, as well as some wrap-around… weird stuff.

Until then, please folks stay safe. It’s customary at this point for me to say so, but I see a lot of numbers rising, and it seems that we’ve become immunized to the numbers more than we became immunized to the virus.

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