Happy 2022! And a reflection


Happy 2022! Will I continue blogging daily?!?

At the beginning of 2020 I wanted to write more and I thought that setting the habit of writing something daily would help me doing that.

Alas, 2020 was not an easy year for anyone, so I had two times where I did not write anything. This meant that the counter was back to 1 on June 20th and also that having a full “single integer” year would mean writing daily for the whole 2021.

Now we’re past that point and, as I’m writing this, it’s still 2021 but I already scheduled everything up to the end of the year, yay!

So now… should I go on?

I found it very beneficial to have a recurrent time-bound goal for writing more. On the other hand, I sometimes suffered that doing stuff daily might mean having a shorter scope (wider scope stuff was sometimes addressed with series of posts).

I’d like to start writing also something that is not necessarily related to the blogging activity, or at least that might be blogged about only after working a good deal on it. For this reason, I’ll probably adopt a different discipline:

  • continue to participate in The Weekly Challenge and blog about it. It’s been an invaluable source of inspiration (as well as of 2/7th of topics) and it’s just fun to do it.
  • Write something new at least every week. This might be either going forward with a “wider” project, OR writing a new blog post in lack of working on those projects.
  • Continue to blog about interesting things as they appear.

I hope this will keep me “active” because there will be the weekly goal (beyond The Weekly Challenge) to keep me in line. Otherwise… I’ll think about something different.

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