PWC144 - Semiprime


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #144. Enjoy!

The challenge

Write a script to generate all Semiprime number <= 100.

For more information about Semiprime, please checkout the wikipedia page.

In mathematics, a semiprime is a natural number that is the product of exactly two prime numbers. The two primes in the product may equal each other, so the semiprimes include the squares of prime numbers.


10 is Semiprime as 10 = 2 x 5
15 is Semiprime as 15 = 3 x 5

The questions

No questions asked. I wonder where we’re going with all these divisors. But I will not ask!

The solution

We will see three different approaches in Raku first:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (Int:D $limit where * > 0 = 100) {
   semiprimes-upto-constructive-tight($limit).join(', ').put;
   semiprimes-upto-constructive-flow($limit).join(', ').put;
   semiprimes-upto-deconstruct($limit).join(', ').put;

The first one is a constructive approach where we multiply pairs of primes and keep only the ones that fall within the limit.

sub semiprimes-upto-constructive-tight ($limit) {
   my @ps = (2 .. 1 + ($limit / 2).Int).grep: *.is-prime;
   my @retval;
   for ^@ps -> $li {
      my $n-start = @retval.elems;
      for $li ..^ @ps -> $hi {
         my $prod = @ps[$li] * @ps[$hi];
         last if $prod > $limit;
         @retval.push: $prod;
      last if @retval.elems == $n-start;
   return @retval.sort;

The maximum of these primes will be not greater than half the limit, because the minimum other prime we can multiply it with is… 2. These primes are collected in @ps at the beginning.

We then iterate in two nested loops; the inner one starts from where the outer one is, to take squares of prime numbers into account but avoid taking duplicates. The check for the limit is within the inner loop, just before taking a value.

The second approach is still constructive, but tries to appear smarter. There’s nothing really fancy, apart maybe the construction of the pairs of candidates via the X operator.

sub semiprimes-upto-constructive-flow ($limit) {
   my @ps = (2 .. 1 + ($limit / 2).Int).grep: *.is-prime;
   (@ps X @ps) # consider all pairs of those primes
      .grep({$_[0] <= $_[1]}) # DRY
      .map({[*] @$_})         # multiply them
      .grep({$_ <= $limit})   # stay within the limit
      .sort;                  # format and cook

Last, the third approach is destructive: we consider every natural number up to the limit a candidate semiprime, and check if it really is. To this regard, we try to divide it by a prime and, if successful, check that the quotient is a prime as well.

sub semiprimes-upto-deconstruct ($limit) {
   my @ps;
   gather for 2 .. $limit -> $candidate {
      if $ { @ps.push: $candidate }
      else {
         for @ps -> $prime {
            next unless $candidate %% $prime;
            my $other = ($candidate / $prime).Int;
            take $candidate if ($other >= $prime) && $;

For the Perl counterpart we will translate only the first one - I know, it’s the most boring one but I suspect it’s also the most efficient. I have no proof though.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

my $limit = shift // 100;
say join ', ', semiprimes_upto_constructive_tight($limit);

sub semiprimes_upto_constructive_tight ($limit) {
   my @ps = primes_upto(1 + $limit / 2);
   my @retval;
   for my $li (0 .. $#ps) {
      my $n_start = @retval;
      for my $hi ($li .. $#ps) {
         my $prod = $ps[$li] * $ps[$hi];
         last if $prod > $limit;
         push @retval, $prod;
      last if @retval == $n_start;
   return sort { $a <=> $b } @retval;

sub primes_upto ($n) {
   return if $n < 2;
   my @ps = 2;
   my $candidate = 3;
   while ($candidate <= $n) {
      for my $p (@ps) { next CANDIDATE unless $candidate % $p }
      push @ps, $candidate;
   continue { $candidate += 2 }
   return @ps;

Well… I hope you enjoyed it, stay safe folks!

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