ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
PWC143 - Calculator
Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #143. Enjoy!
The challenge
You are given a string,
, containing mathematical expression.Write a script to print the result of the mathematical expression. To keep it simple, please only accept
+ - * ()
.Example 1:
Input: $s = "10 + 20 - 5" Output: 25
*Example 2:**
Input: $s = "(10 + 20 - 5) * 2" Output: 50
The questions
Assuming positive integers as operands, i.e. no starting with a -
and no decimals.
The solution
Oh boy… can I haz cheat?
Well it’s our call:
sub MAIN (Str:D $expression) {
die 'invalid' unless $expression ~~ / ^ <[ 0..9 + \- * ( ) \s ]>* $ /;
put EVAL($expression);
Ah, the EVIL might EVAL…
Well, let’s do things the clean way too:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
grammar Calc {
rule TOP { ^ <expression> $ }
rule expression { <term>+ %% $<op>=(['+'|'-']) | <group> }
rule term { <factor>+ %% $<op>=(['*']) }
rule factor { <value> | <group> }
rule group { '(' <expression> ')' }
token value { 0 | <[ 1..9 ]> \d* }
class Actions {
method TOP ($/) { $/.make: $<expression>.made }
method expression ($/) {
if $<group> { $/.make: $<group>.made }
else { $/.make: self!calc($<term>, $<op>) }
method term ($/) { $/.make: self!calc($<factor>, $<op>) }
method factor ($/) {
if $<group> { $/.make: $<group>.made }
else { $/.make: $<value>.made }
method group ($/) { $/.make: $<expression>.made }
method value ($/) { $/.make: +$/ }
method !calc ($operands, $operators) {
my ($retval, @vals) = $operands».made;
my @ops = $ ~*;
for @ops Z @vals -> ($_, $val) {
when '*' { $retval *= $val }
when '+' { $retval += $val }
when '-' { $retval -= $val }
return $retval;
sub MAIN ($expression) {
my $calc = Calc.parse($expression, actions => Actions)
or die 'cannot parse input expression';
say $calc.made;
This was heavily inspired by some code by Andrew Shitov, except that I had to re-write the actions and refactor a bit.
For the Perl translation we will get some help from cglib-perl’s, which is embedded directly into the solution. The initial part is the interesting one though, because it contains our grammar and entry point:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
say parse(shift);
# main entry point, useful for extracting the return value
sub parse ($exp) { return pf_PARSE(expression())->($exp)->[0] }
# <term> [+/- <term> [+/- <term> [...]]] | <group>
sub expression { pf_alternatives(canned_ops(term(), '-', '+'), group()) }
# <factor> [* <factor> [* <factor> [...]]]
sub term { canned_ops(factor(), '*') }
# <value> | <group>
sub factor { pf_alternatives(value(), group()) }
# '(' <expression> ')'
sub group {
return sub {
state $matcher = pf_sequence('(', expression(), ')');
my $match = $matcher->(@_) or return;
return $match->[1];
# some integer without sign
sub value { pf_regexp(qr{\s*(0|[1-9]\d*)\s*}) }
# implementation of operand [op operand [op operand [...]]]
sub canned_ops ($operand, @operators) {
my $ops = join '|', map { quotemeta } @operators ;
my $op_opd = pf_sequence(pf_regexp(qr{\s*($ops)\s*}), $operand);
my $matcher = pf_sequence($operand, pf_repeated($op_opd));
return sub {
my $match = $matcher->(@_) or return;
my $retval = $match->[0][0];
for my $opv ($match->[1]->@*) {
my ($op, $val) = map { $_->[0] }$opv->@*;
if ($op eq '*') { $retval *= $val }
elsif ($op eq '+') { $retval += $val }
elsif ($op eq '-') { $retval -= $val }
return [ $retval ];
The canned_ops
takes care to implement a sequence of operations of the
same “nature”, i.e. summish or multiplicativish.
As anticipated, the rest is
# parsing facilities
sub pf_alternatives {
my (@A, $r) = @_;
return sub { (defined($r = $_->($_[0])) && return $r) for @A; return };
sub pf_exact {
my ($wlen, $what, @retval) = (length($_[0]), @_);
unshift @retval, $what unless scalar @retval;
return sub {
my ($rtext, $pos) = ($_[0], pos(${$_[0]}) || 0);
return if length($$rtext) - $pos < $wlen;
return if substr($$rtext, $pos, $wlen) ne $what;
pos($$rtext) = $pos + $wlen;
return [@retval];
sub pf_list {
my ($w, $s, $sep_as_last) = @_; # (what, separator, sep_as_last)
$s = pf_exact($s) if defined($s) && !ref($s);
return sub {
defined(my $base = $w->($_[0])) or return;
my $rp = sub { return ($s && !($s->($_[0])) ? () : $w->($_[0])) };
my $rest = pf_repeated($rp)->($_[0]);
$s->($_[0]) if $s && $sep_as_last; # attempt last separator?
unshift $rest->@*, $base;
return $rest;
sub pf_match_and_filter {
my ($matcher, $filter) = @_;
return sub {
my $match = $matcher->($_[0]) or return;
return $filter->($match);
sub pf_PARSE {
my ($expression) = @_;
return sub {
my $rtext = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]; # avoid copying
my $ast = $expression->($rtext) or die "nothing parsed\n";
my $pos = pos($$rtext) || 0;
my $delta = length($$rtext) - $pos;
return $ast if $delta == 0;
my $offending = substr $$rtext, $pos, 72;
substr $offending, -3, 3, '...' if $delta > 72;
die "unknown sequence starting at $pos <$offending>\n";
sub pf_regexp {
my ($rx, @forced_retval) = @_;
return sub {
scalar(${$_[0]} =~ m{\G()$rx}cgmxs) or return;
return scalar(@forced_retval) ? [@forced_retval] : [$2];
sub pf_repeated { # *(0,-1) ?(0,1) +(1,-1) {n,m}(n,m)
my ($w, $m, $M) = ($_[0], $_[1] || 0, (defined($_[2]) ? $_[2] : -1));
return sub {
my ($rtext, $pos, $lm, $lM, @retval) = ($_[0], pos ${$_[0]}, $m, $M);
while ($lM != 0) { # lm = local minimum, lM = local maximum
defined(my $piece = $w->($rtext)) or last;
push @retval, $piece;
if ($lm > 0) { --$lm } # no success yet
else { $pos = pos $$rtext } # ok, advance
pos($$rtext) = $pos if $lM != 0; # maybe "undo" last attempt
return if $lm > 0; # failed to match at least $min
return \@retval;
sub pf_sequence {
my @items = map { ref $_ ? $_ : pf_exact($_) } @_;
return sub {
my ($rtext, $pos, @rval) = ($_[0], pos ${$_[0]});
for my $item (@items) {
if (defined(my $piece = $item->($rtext))) { push @rval, $piece }
else { pos($$rtext) = $pos; return } # failure, revert back
return \@rval;
{ my $r; sub pf_ws { $r ||= pf_regexp(qr{(\s+)}) } }
{ my $r; sub pf_wso { $r ||= pf_regexp(qr{(\s*)}) } }
Stay safe folks!