Fun with Advent of Code 2018


Puzzles in Advent of Code 2018 edition are fun (so far!).

If you’re looking for some diversion or something to do some exercising (e.g. learning some Raku), I would suggest you giving Advent of Code a try.

These days I’m on the 2018 edition and I’m enjoying it so far. Well, more or less.

In particular, in the last days I appreciated a couple of puzzles:

  • puzzle 7 is a nice variation on the problem of scheduling tasks. It builds up, by first asking to produce a simple plan ordering tasks so that pre-requisites are executed before their descendants, then asking also to take execution time and parall execution into consideration;
  • puzzle 8 asks you to parse the input to build up a tree, then execute a couple of queries over it.

The second would have been great to learn Raku Grammars but it seemed difficult to express the variable size nature of the children’s list, so I opted for a more traditional recursive solution based on subroutines. I suspect this would have been a good time to try them out though.

Well, enough notekeeping for today, stay safe and have -Ofun people!

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