Think Bayes in Raku - Suite class


Adding a Raku class for Suite.

After post Think Bayes in Raku - Pmf class we can move on to implement something to help us with the examples using the Suite class:

class Suite is Pmf {
   has &!likelihood is required;
   submethod BUILD (:lh(:&!likelihood)) { }

   method update ($data) {
      for self.pmf.keys -> $hypothesis {
         my $lh = &!likelihood($data, $hypothesis);
         self.multiply($hypothesis, $lh);
      return self.normalize;

As in the original in Python, it extends class Pmf adding capabilities to handle likelihood and update.

I decided to explore a bit the idea of providing the likelihood as a callback function saved as an attribute instead of forcing users to sub-class Suite, like in the Python case. It just seems more… perlish, you know. (For my idea of perlish, of course).

Let’s re-create the cookies example:

my %mix-for = (
   'Bowl 1' => { vanilla => 3/4, chocolate => 1/4 },
   'Bowl 2' => { vanilla => 2/4, chocolate => 2/4 },
my $cookie =
   pmf => hash('Bowl 1', 1, 'Bowl 2', 1),
   lh  => -> $D, $H { %mix-for{$H}{$D} },
$cookie.P('Bowl 1').put;

Hard-learned lesson: the lh parameter I’m passing is NOT a sub reference but a code block. This means that I cannot use return inside it.

Another example… the dice one:

my $dice =
   pmf => hash(4 => 1, 6 => 1, 8 => 1, 12 => 1, 20 => 1),
   lh => sub ($D, $H) { $D <= $H ?? (1 / +$H) !! 0 },

If you want to play with the code, there is a [local version here][].

Have fun and stay safe!

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