More commenting... maybe?


My code might use some more commenting, maybe?

The Weekly Challenge is an interesting activity that proves invaluable from many points of view.

From a very practical point of view, it gave me the possibility to cover at least two days per week in my personal challenge to write one post per day for at least one year. That’s almost 29% of the topics!

Then there’s the feedback.

Which comes in multiple forms: Mohammad’s terse synthesis in the Perl Weekly newsletter, a few sparse comments every now and then from the casual readers, and the in-depth (while still light) commentary from Colin Crain in his Perl Solutions Review.

One trend that I noted is that the code I write tends (sometimes?) to be cryptic. As an example, here’s Colin’s commentary about PWC118 - Binary Palindrome (emphasis mine):

Flavio here demonstrates the use of bitwise operations to examine the underlying binary directly, without the need to convert any formats. This is of course both extremely clever and intensely opaque at the same time, and kind of makes my brain hurt. You know, just a little.

This is surely something to think upon, so I went back to both the code and the blog post to try and see it with a different eye (after a couple of week, for me it’s like someone else wrote it).

And right Colin is, as there are at least two defects in this code:

  • it’s clever (maybe not really extremely), which is a red flag because it will later require a higher amount of brain energy to read and understand again;
  • it’s intensely opaque because it’s both very compact and the mere implementation of an algorithm that was born and remained entirely in my brain. (This time I think that the adjective intensely applies).

One observation is that my code errs to the write-only side. I mean, the same code might have been written like this:

sub binary_palindrome ($N) {
   die "invalid $N (positive integers are OK)\n"
      if $N !~ m{\A [1-9]\d* \z}mxs;
   return unless $N % 2;
   my $M = 0;
   my $n = $N;
   while ($n > 0) {
      $M = ($M << 1) | ($n & 1);
      $n >>= 1;
   return $M == $N;

Now the code is less compact, which also makes it more readable (hopefully). This also eases addressing a second possible observation, that is a few comments on the intent would help a lot:

sub binary_palindrome ($N) {
   die "invalid $N (positive integers are OK)\n"
      if $N !~ m{\A [1-9]\d* \z}mxs;
   return unless $N % 2;
   my $M = 0;  # this will keep the "inverted" $N
   my $n = $N; # this will ease doing the inversion
   while ($n > 0) { # go until there are bits set to "1"
      $M = ($M << 1) | ($n & 1); # "push" a bit from $n to $M
      $n >>= 1;                  # "pop" same bit from $n
   # Now $M is the "inverted" version of $N. Testing for palindrome
   # means that $M is equal to $N.
   return $M == $N;

This is better, but still does not shed a light on the algorithm I use, so a few additional comments on this can help.

This, in turn, creates a problem regarding the intended audience. I will assume people that know what a stack is and how it is manipulated, because the people who are likely to actually read my code are almost surely programmers and know the language associated to stacks. Besides this, any further explanation would probably not belong to comments anyway.

sub binary_palindrome ($N) {
   die "invalid $N (positive integers are OK)\n"
      if $N !~ m{\A [1-9]\d* \z}mxs;
   return unless $N % 2;

   # Now we create an "inverted" version of $N into $M. We do this by
   # treating both of them as stacks, where we "pop" items from $N and
   # "push" them into "$M". As we need $N at the end, we first copy $N
   # into a temporary copy $n, and do the "stack operations" on $n
   # instead.
   # Operations on these stacks are implemented using bit-wise operations:
   # - the "top" operation to get the top of stack $n is done by
   #   "masking" it with value 1, i.e. ($n & 1)
   # - the "push" involves two sub-steps:
   #   - making space for the new bit in the least-significant position
   #     in $M, i.e. shifting all bits in $M to the left with ($M << 1)
   #   - setting the newly created position/bit in $M using a bitwise OR
   #     operation |
   # - the "pop" is the inverse of the "push", so it's again a shift
   #   operation but done to the right.
   my $M = 0;  # "stack" to keep the "inverted" $N
   my $n = $N; # "stack" to do the actual inversion
   while ($n > 0) { # go until there are non-zero items in "stack" $n
      $M =           # "push" $M with "top" from $n
         ($M << 1)   # make space for the new item in the stack
         | ($n & 1); # set newly created position with "top" from $n
      $n >>= 1;      # "pop" $n
   # Now $M is the "inverted" version of $N. Testing for palindrome
   # means that $M is equal to $N.
   return $M == $N;

One last bit is in the initial return unless..., which seems a bit gratuitous/clever/opaque:

sub binary_palindrome ($N) {
   die "invalid $N (positive integers are OK)\n"
      if $N !~ m{\A [1-9]\d* \z}mxs;

   # Leading zeroes are *always* ignored, so there is no possible
   # palindrome that can have trailing zeroes. This means that the input
   # integer $N has the least significant bit set to 1, i.e. it is not
   # divisible by 2. If it is, we can return immediately with a "False".
   return unless $N % 2;

Now, as I’m writing this, I notice that using bitwise operations all over the place except this initial test is not going to win any prize in consistency, so it’s better to use a bitwise operation also for this initial test.

All in all, the final version is the following:

sub binary_palindrome ($N) {
   die "invalid $N (positive integers are OK)\n"
      if $N !~ m{\A [1-9]\d* \z}mxs;

   # Leading zeroes are *always* ignored, so there is no possible
   # palindrome that can have trailing zeroes. This means that the input
   # integer $N has the least significant bit set to 1, or we can
   # immediately return with a "false" answer.
   return unless $N & 1;

   # Now we create an "inverted" version of $N into $M. We do this by
   # treating both of them as stacks, where we "pop" items from $N and
   # "push" them into "$M". As we need $N at the end, we first copy $N
   # into a temporary copy $n, and do the "stack operations" on $n
   # instead.
   # Operations on these stacks are implemented using bit-wise operations:
   # - the "top" operation to get the top of stack $n is done by
   #   "masking" it with value 1, i.e. ($n & 1)
   # - the "push" involves two sub-steps:
   #   - making space for the new bit in the least-significant position
   #     in $M, i.e. shifting all bits in $M to the left with ($M << 1)
   #   - setting the newly created position/bit in $M using a bitwise OR
   #     operation |
   # - the "pop" is the inverse of the "push", so it's again a shift
   #   operation but done to the right.
   my $M = 0;  # "stack" to keep the "inverted" $N
   my $n = $N; # "stack" to do the actual inversion
   while ($n > 0) { # go until there are non-zero items in "stack" $n
      $M =           # "push" $M with "top" from $n
         ($M << 1)   # make space for the new item in the stack
         | ($n & 1); # set newly created position with "top" from $n
      $n >>= 1;                  # "pop" $n
   # Now $M is the "inverted" version of $N. Testing for palindrome
   # means that $M is equal to $N.
   return $M == $N;

This is a much different function now! Maybe it can still give a bit of headache… but hopefully much less than before 🙄

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