App::Easer example


An example usage of App-Easer.

In previous post App::Easer I introduced App-Easer, a module to ease the implementation of command-line utilities that want to take a hierarchical approach.

Let’s see an example, straight from the SYNOPSIS:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use App::Easer 'run';
my $app = {
   commands => {
      MAIN => {
         name => 'main app',
         help => 'this is the main app',
         description => 'Yes, this really is the main app',
         options => [
               name => 'foo',
               description => 'option foo!',
               getopt => 'foo|f=s',
               environment => 'FOO',
               default => 'bar',
         execute => sub ($global, $conf, $args) {
            my $foo = $conf->{foo};
            say "Hello, $foo!";
            return 0;
         'default-child' => '', # run execute by default
exit run($app, [@ARGV]);

Let’s save this as

This application contains one command, i.e. the entry point one. This MUST be called MAIN.

Our main command supports two sub-commands, namely help and commands. As such, it’s already a hiearrchical CLI application! In addition to this, though, the command itself has an execute field that can be used to actually execute something.

Let’s see how it behaves. First, we just call it:

$ ./
Hello, bar!

In this case, we are not providing any sub-command and we set the default-child to the empty string (i.e. a false value), hence the execute will be called.

This sub is passed three parameters ($global, $conf, and $args); the first one is a global tracker for the whole application, which will be overkill in most occasions; more interestingly, $conf and $args contain the collected options for our command (foo in our case) and the residual arguments after parsing the command-line arguments.

In our case we didn’t set anything for foo, so it gets its default value bar, hence the output message.

At this point we can start playing with foo:

$ ./ --foo World
Hello, World!

$ FOO=whatever ./ 
Hello, whatever!

$ FOO=whatever ./ --foo World
Hello, World!

As expected, the value for option foo is collected from various sources, including the command-line arguments (which has the highest priority) and the environment (via variable FOO).

Let’s now see which sub-commands are supported:

$ ./ commands
$ perl lib/App/ commands
           help: print a help message
       commands: list sub-commands

As expected, the two stock sub-commands for getting some help to use the CLI program are there for us; command lists them, with the synthetic `help.

Let’s see the full help now:

$ ./ help
this is the main app

    Yes, this really is the main app

                 command-line: mandatory string option
                               --foo <value>
                               -f <value>
                 environment : FOO
                 default     : bar

Sub commands:
           help: print a help message
       commands: list sub-commands

The help and the description are nicely printed out, along with an automatically generated help section regarding the available options and, when present, a list of supported sub-commands (just like commands above).

It’s also possible to look into the help for the sub-commands though, including help and commands themselves:

$ ./ help help
print a help message

    print help for (sub)command

This command has no options.

$ ./ help commands
list sub-commands

    Print list of supported sub-commands

This command has no options.

Last, we can expect errors in typing sub-commands:

$ ./ inexistent
cannot find sub-command 'inexistent'

$ ./ help inexistent
cannot find sub-command 'inexistent'

I hope this has been a good T-Easer for App-Easer… it will surely benefit some future me that will be wondering how to use it!

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