PWC112 - Canonical Path


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #112. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a string path, starting with a slash β€˜/’.

Write a script to convert the given absolute path to the simplified canonical path.

In a Unix-style file system:

  • A period β€˜.’ refers to the current directory
  • A double period β€˜..’ refers to the directory up a level
  • Multiple consecutive slashes (β€˜//’) are treated as a single slash β€˜/’

The canonical path format:

  • The path starts with a single slash β€˜/’.
  • Any two directories are separated by a single slash β€˜/’.
  • The path does not end with a trailing β€˜/’.
  • The path only contains the directories on the path from the root directory to the target file or directory


Input: "/a/"
Output: "/a"

Input: "/a/b//c/"
Output: "/a/b/c"

Input: "/a/b/c/../.."
Output: "/a"

The questions

As an amateur nitpicker, I would argue that the sentence The path does not end with a trailing β€˜/’ is preetty inaccurate, because there might well be an occasion where the trailing slash is needed… that is the filesystem root /.

Anyway, apart from this the instructions are quite clear, so let’s get to the business!

The solution

Here is my solution:

sub canonical_path ($p) {
   $p =~ s{/\K(?:\.?/)+}{}gmxs;
   $p =~ s{\A/.*\K/\z}{}mxs;
   1 while $p =~ s{/[^/]+/\.\.(/|\z)}{$1}mxs;
   return $p;

I know, I know… now I have two problems. Well… two challenges.


  • the first substitution takes care of removing all consecutive slashes, or groups pointing to the same directory as the previous one (e.g. as in /a/./b', removing the './ part);
  • the second substitution removes the trailing slash, if any;
  • the third substitution removes all the up a directory parts.

Seems to be working:

$ perl perl/ 
ok 1 - /a/
ok 2 - /a//b/c/
ok 3 - /a/b/c/../..
ok 4 - /a/b/c/../../
ok 5 - /a/./b/.//./c/../../
ok 6 - /a/../../../b/

The whole program is:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;
use Test::More;

sub canonical_path ($p) {
   $p =~ s{/\K(?:\.?/)+}{}gmxs;
   $p =~ s{\A/.*\K/\z}{}mxs;
   1 while $p =~ s{/[^/]+/\.\.(/|\z)}{$1}mxs;
   return $p;

for my $test(
   [qw< /a/ /a >],
   [qw< /a//b/c/ /a/b/c >],
   [qw< /a/b/c/../.. /a >],
   [qw< /a/b/c/../../ /a >],
   [qw< /a/./b/.//./c/../../ /a >],
   [qw< /a/../../../b/ /b >],
) {
   my ($input, $expected) = $test->@*;
   my $got = canonical_path($input);
   is $got, $expected, $input;


Stay safe folks!

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