PWC103 - What's playing?


On with TASK #2 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #103. Enjoy!

The challenge

Working from home, you decided that on occasion you wanted some background noise while working. You threw together a network streamer to continuously loop through the files and launched it in a tmux (or screen) session, giving it a directory tree of files to play. During the day, you connected an audio player to the stream, listening through the workday, closing it when done.

For weeks you connect to the stream daily, slowly noticing a gradual drift of the media. After several weeks, you take vacation. When you return, you are pleasantly surprised to find the streamer still running. Before connecting, however, if you consider the puzzle of determining which track is playing.

After looking at a few modules to read info regarding the media, a quick bit of coding gave you a file list. The file list is in a simple CSV format, each line containing two fields: the first the number of milliseconds in length, the latter the media’s title (this example is of several episodes available from the

1709363,"Les Miserables Episode 1: The Bishop (broadcast date: 1937-07-23)"
1723781,"Les Miserables Episode 2: Javert (broadcast date: 1937-07-30)"
1723781,"Les Miserables Episode 3: The Trial (broadcast date: 1937-08-06)"
1678356,"Les Miserables Episode 4: Cosette (broadcast date: 1937-08-13)"
1646043,"Les Miserables Episode 5: The Grave (broadcast date: 1937-08-20)"
1714640,"Les Miserables Episode 6: The Barricade (broadcast date: 1937-08-27)"
1714640,"Les Miserables Episode 7: Conclusion (broadcast date: 1937-09-03)"

For this script, you can assume to be provided the following information:

  • the value of $^T ($BASETIME) of the streamer script,
  • the value of time(), and
  • a CSV file containing the media to play consisting of the length in milliseconds and an identifier for the media (title, filename, or other).

Write a program to output which file is currently playing. For purposes of this script, you may assume gapless playback, and format the output as you see fit.

Optional: Also display the current position in the media as a time-like value.

The questions

There are quite a few, some of them being:

  • how much offset should we consider for the setup of the program? I mean, there has to be a gap between $^T and when the first track starts playing, right?
  • is the input file encoded in any particular way? E.g. UTF-8?
  • are we sure about the duration of the tracks? It seems suspicious that two consecutive pairs share the same exact length up to the millisecond…
  • is it OK to print the title “as-is”, i.e. without doing an actual read of the CSV data (which would get rid of the quotation marks)?
    • We will assume that the answer is yes, based on the example.

The solution

Fact is I don’t like my solution. It’s long, possibly boring, and possibly wrong (it gives out the correct title but with the wrong offset…). Anyway.

sub what_s_playing ($start, $now, $file) {
   my $tracks = load_tracks_list($file);
   my $offset = 1000 * ($now - $start);
   my $current_title;
   while ('necessary') {
      my $period = 0;
      for my $track ($tracks->@*) {
         my $duration = $track->{duration};
         if ($offset <= $duration) {
            $current_title = $track->{title};
            last OUTER;
         $offset -= $duration;
         $period += $duration;
      $offset %= $period;

   my $ms = $offset % 1000;
   $offset = int($offset / 1000);
   my $s = $offset % 60;
   $offset = int($offset / 60);
   my $m = $offset % 60;
   $offset = int($offset / 60);
   my $current_position =
      sprintf '%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d', $offset, $m, $s, $ms;

   return {position => $current_position, title => $current_title};

The $offset keeps track of the time passed since last “event”. It is initialized with the value for the event “start of everything” and time is chopped as we consider tracks.

The OUTER loop is supposed to run either 1 or 2 times, depending on whether we are at the very first pass in the list (i.e. we didn’t play all tracks at least once yet) or not (i.e. we are during a repetition). We scan the tracklist in order, subtracting the track duration on the way. We also calculate $period along the way, so we know how much a complete run of all tracks takes and we can then shortcut the calculation with this trick:

$offset %= $period;

This also guarantees that the next run through the tracks will eventually find what we are looking for.

The sub load_tracks_list does… what you think, returning an array of hashes, each with keys duration and title.

As anticipated, running on the example inputs provides an almost correct answer:

"Les Miserables Episode 1: The Bishop (broadcast date: 1937-07-23)"

I thought initially that the original author might have disregarded the milliseconds in the calculation, which might account why I appear to be behind that result, so I put a way to cut out milliseconds if environment variable CUT_MILLISECONDS is set, to no avail.

Before you ask… yes, I also tried to do a round instead of simply cutting milliseconds.

This is the whole program, should you be interested into debugging it!

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;
use autodie;
use File::Spec::Functions qw< splitpath catpath >;

sub what_s_playing ($start, $now, $file) {
   my $tracks = load_tracks_list($file);
   my $offset = 1000 * ($now - $start);
   my $current_title;
   while ('necessary') {
      my $period = 0;
      for my $track ($tracks->@*) {
         my $duration = $track->{duration};
         if ($offset <= $duration) {
            $current_title = $track->{title};
            last OUTER;
         $offset -= $duration;
         $period += $duration;
      $offset %= $period;

   my $ms = $offset % 1000;
   $offset = int($offset / 1000);
   my $s = $offset % 60;
   $offset = int($offset / 60);
   my $m = $offset % 60;
   $offset = int($offset / 60);
   my $current_position =
      sprintf '%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d', $offset, $m, $s, $ms;

   return {position => $current_position, title => $current_title};

sub load_tracks_list ($file) {
   open my $fh, '<', $file;
   my @lines = map {
      my ($duration, $title) = split m{,}mxs, $_, 2;
      $duration =~ s{\A\s+|\s+\z}{}gmxs;
      substr $duration, -3, 3, '000' if $ENV{CUT_MILLISECONDS};
      {duration => $duration, title => $title};
   } <$fh>;
   return \@lines;

sub default_args {
   my ($v, $ds, $f) = splitpath(__FILE__);
   my $file = catpath($v, $ds, 'filelist.csv');
   return (1606134123, 1614591276, $file);

my @args = @ARGV ? @ARGV : default_args();
my $wp = what_s_playing(@args);
say $wp->{title};
say $wp->{position};

Stay safe and… vary your playlist!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!