AoC 2017/12 - Rediscovering Union-Find


I remembered about Union-Find. The incredible thing is that I remembered something.

While wastAHEMinvesting 🙄 time with the puzzles in the 2017 edition of Advent of Code, I eventually arrived at day 12.

You might be wondering so what?!? at this point. If you’re Italian, you might be even thinking of Grande Capo Estiqaatsi.

The puzzle eventually boils down to having an Undirected Graph and asking a few things about it:

  • part 1: how many nodes are connected to the node whose identifier is 0?
  • part 2: how many disjoint sets of nodes are there?

Luckily for me, I took Coursera’s Algorithms, Part I and incredibly remembered about the very first lesson about Union-Find, which is perfectly tailored for this puzzle.

With some more effort of memory (read: reimplemented the thing before remembering about it), I also re-discovered my implementation in Perl, of course in cglib, available at

package UnionFind; # Sedgewick & Wayne, Algorithms 4th ed, §1.5
use strict;

sub add;    # see below
sub connected { return $_[0]->find($_[1]) eq $_[0]->find($_[2]) }
sub count     { return $_[0]{count} }
sub find      { return $_[0]{cs}{$_[0]->find_id($_[1])}[1] }
sub find_id;    # see below
sub new;        # see below
sub union;      # see below

sub add {
   my $id = $_[0]{id_of}->($_[1]);
   return $_[0] if $_[0]{cs}{$id};
   $_[0]{cs}{$id} = [$id, $_[1], 1];
   return $_[0];

sub find_id {
   my $r = my $i = $_[0]{id_of}->($_[1]);
   return unless exists $_[0]{cs}{$r};
   $r = $_[0]{cs}{$r}[0] while $r ne $_[0]{cs}{$r}[0];
   ($i, $_[0]{cs}{$i}) = ($_[0]{cs}{$i}[0], $_[0]{cs}{$r}) while $i ne $r;
   return $r;
} ## end sub find_id

sub new {
   my ($pk, %args) = (@_ > 0 && ref($_[1])) ? ($_[0], %{$_[1]}) : @_;
   my $id_of = $args{identifier} || sub { return "$_[0]" };
   my $self = bless {id_of => $id_of, count => 0}, $pk;
   $self->add($_) for @{$args{components} || []};
   return $self;
} ## end sub new

sub union {
   my ($i, $j) = ($_[0]->find_id($_[1]), $_[0]->find_id($_[2]));
   return $_[0] if $i eq $j;
   ($i, $j) = ($j, $i) if $_[0]{cs}{$i}[2] < $_[0]{cs}{$j}[2];   # i -> max
   $_[0]{cs}{$i}[2] += $_[0]{cs}{$i}[2];
   $_[0]{cs}{$j} = $_[0]{cs}{$i};
   return $_[0];
} ## end sub union


I am totally ashamed by the lack of documentation… although I didn’t have a hard time figuring out how to use it:

# Input array @neighbors is an AoA; each sub-array holds a list of
# neighbors for the identifier of the sub-array itself.
sub solution (@neighbors) {
   my $uf = UnionFind->new(components => [0 .. $#neighbors]);
   $uf->union($_->@*) for map {
      my $id = $_;
      map { [$id, $_] } $neighbors[$id]->@*;
   } 0 .. $#neighbors;
   my $conn0 = grep { $uf->connected(0, $_) } 0 .. $#neighbors;
   return (part_1 => $conn0, part_2 => $uf->count);

Well… enough for today, stay safe!

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