AoC 2016/11 - New algorithm: A*


On with Advent of Code puzzle 11 from 2016: moving to the A* algorithm.

One drawback of using Dijkstra’s algorithm for our search is that it makes a lot of expansions to get from the start node to the goal one. This was somehow acceptable with the shorter inputs, but became prohibitive with the longer one in part 2.

There’s a more complex, but also more efficient, algorithm that will yield the optimal path by generally expanding less nodes, taking less time in the process. This is the A* Algorithm. On the good side, we already have a self-contained implementation for the algorithm in cglib, i.e.

This is the call we can adopt:

my $outcome2 = astar(
   start => [@start],
   goal  => [@goal],
   distance => sub { return 1 },
   heuristic => sub ($v, $goal) {
      my $d = 0;
      for my $fid (0 .. 2) {
         my $weight = 3 - $fid;
         $d += $weight * scalar grep {$_} $v->[$fid]->@*;
      return $d;
   identifier => \&id_of,
   successors => \&successors_for,
say scalar($outcome2->@*) - 1;

One difference is that the returned value is a list of nodes from the start to the goal, both included. For this reason, we print the list’s lenght minus one, so that we know how many steps we have to take.

The second difference is the presence of the heuristic parameter. This is an estimation of the distance between two nodes, but in the algorithm is only used to establish the distance of a node to the goal. If we set this identically to 0 we would fall back to Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and in general we need to provide either a correct value, or an underestimated one.

Of course we don’t know the correct value at this stage, otherwise we might use that value to solve our initial problem. We can provide an underestimation though, i.e. the bare minimum number of moves for each item to the target fourth floor. It’s a bit crude but it’s a start.

Running the new code (local version here) tells us we’re heading in the right direction:

$ time perl 11.tmp

real  0m0.053s
user  0m0.048s
sys   0m0.008s

$ time perl 11.input

real  0m10.165s
user  0m10.036s
sys   0m0.116s

It now takes one third of the previous time to solve part 1 - nothing terribly better, but still an improvement!

Alas, this does not suffice to address all our concerns for this puzzle. When provided the new extended input with elerium and dilithium… it still eats a lot of memory and provides no answer in reasonable time, so we have to do MOAR!

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