PWC088 - Array of Product


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #088. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an array of positive integers @N. Write a script to return an array @M where $M[i] is the product of all elements of @N except the index $N[i].

The questions

The only non-trivial question that comes to mind in this case is about the dynamic of the integers we are allowed to use and whether the product of all integers in the sequence is going to fit.

In lack of an answer, I’ll assume that each valid item in the output list is indeed an allowed integer value, while the product of all of them might not be.

The solution

The level-0 solution is pretty… sloppy to be honest. I would involve iterating over each index in the input array, then doing another nested loop to multiply all items except that at the specific index from the outer loop:

sub array_of_product_sloppy (@N) {
   return map {
      my $p = 1;
      $p *= $_ for @N[0 .. $_ - 1, $_ + 1 .. $#N];
   } 0 .. $#N;

Alas, this has $O(n^2)$ complexity and we can definitely do better.

I guess that the key insight here is somehow related to those optical illusions where you can’t decide what you’re actually looking at:

Rubin's vase Duck or rabbit?

So let’s turn to the negative space and observe that we might pre-calculate the product of all elements in one single sweep, and then divide this super-product for each element at a time (in another sweep):

sub array_of_product_overflowing (@N) {
   my $p = 1;
   $p *= $_ for @N;
   return map {$p / $_ } @N;

And yet… as the name hints, the $p we are calculating here might go beyond the allowed space for integers, because it contains the product for all items, which we are not actually requested to calculate.

Anyway, it’s an easy twist at this point: if we know the $(i - 1)$-th product, it’s easy to calculate the $i$-th:

\[P_i = N_{i - 1} \cdot \frac{P_{i - 1}}{N_i}\]

This allows us to pass from allowed value to allowed value without having to overflow but still with a linear sweep.

Practically speaking, we calculate the last element first, and leverage the fact that an array in Perl can be indexed with negative integers to get elements from the end to just iterate from 0 up to the final index:

sub array_of_product (@N) {
   my $p = 1;
   $p *= $_ for @N[0 .. $#N - 1];
   return map {$p = $N[$_ - 1] * ($p / $N[$_]) } 0 .. $#N;

As anticipated, we pre-calculate the last element and store it in $p. Afterwards, we iterate over the indexes in the input array, and apply the formula above. The only care we have to take here is to do the division before the multiplication, so that we don’t risk overflowing!

Note that in the very first iteration:

  • the value in $p is the product of all elements except the last one, i.e. it is $P_k$ (where $k$ is the last index in the input array);
  • the value in $_ is 0, which means that
    • $N[$_ - 1] is actually $N[-1], i.e. the last element in @N;
    • $N[$_] is actually $N[0], i.e. the first element in @N

so it actually calculates $P_0$. From there on… it’s much more intuitive I hope 😅

So we’re done here…

I guess we have arrived at the end of this post, where I usually share the whole code if you want to take a more comprehensive look and experiment a bit:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub array_of_product (@N) {
   my $p = 1;
   $p *= $_ for @N[0 .. $#N - 1];
   return map {$p = $N[$_ - 1] * ($p / $N[$_]) } 0 .. $#N;

sub array_of_product_sloppy (@N) {
   return map {
      my $p = 1;
      $p *= $_ for @N[0 .. $_ - 1, $_ + 1 .. $#N];
   } 0 .. $#N;

sub array_of_product_overflowing (@N) {
   my $p = 1;
   $p *= $_ for @N;
   return map {$p / $_ } @N;

sub print_array (@A) { local $" = ', '; say "(@A)" }

print_array(array_of_product(@ARGV ? @ARGV : (5, 2, 1, 4, 3)));
print_array(array_of_product_sloppy(@ARGV ? @ARGV : (5, 2, 1, 4, 3)));
print_array(array_of_product_overflowing(@ARGV ? @ARGV : (5, 2, 1, 4, 3)));

And until next time… have fun and stay safe!

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