Trying Cairo in Perl


Where I use some of the Cairo APIs for Perl and figure out that it’s not what I was after.

Starting from the example in the module’s synopsis, I ended up with the following:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

use Cairo;

use constant Xmin => 37.5;
use constant Ymin => 31;
use constant SquareLength => 260;
use constant StrongLine => 1.7;
use constant ThinLine => 0.2;

my $surface = Cairo::PdfSurface->create('example.pdf', 595, 842);
my $cr = Cairo::Context->create($surface);

$cr->set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1);
$cr->rectangle(0, 0, 595, 842);

$cr->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0);

for my $x (0, 1) {
   for my $y (0, 1, 2) {
      my $xmin = Xmin + SquareLength * $x;
      my $ymin = Ymin + SquareLength * $y;
      my $sl4 = SquareLength / 4;

      $cr->set_dash(2 * (($x + $y) % 2), 2, 2);
      $cr->rectangle($xmin, $ymin, SquareLength, SquareLength);

      $cr->set_dash(0, 3, 3);
      $cr->move_to($xmin + 1 * $sl4, $ymin + 0 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 1 * $sl4, $ymin + 2 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 2 * $sl4, $ymin + 3 * $sl4);
      $cr->move_to($xmin + 3 * $sl4, $ymin + 4 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 3 * $sl4, $ymin + 2 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 2 * $sl4, $ymin + 1 * $sl4);

      $cr->move_to($xmin, $ymin + $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 1 * $sl4, $ymin + 2 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 3 * $sl4, $ymin + 0 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 3 * $sl4, $ymin + 2 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 4 * $sl4, $ymin + 3 * $sl4);
      $cr->move_to($xmin + 3 * $sl4, $ymin + 2 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 1 * $sl4, $ymin + 4 * $sl4);
      $cr->line_to($xmin + 1 * $sl4, $ymin + 2 * $sl4);


This is the final PDF product (actual file is example.pdf):

example image

What is this mess? They are (blank) faces of an origami die; there are instructions for folding and assembling online.

Anyway… I think this is where the adventure with the Cairo library stops for me, at least this time. My initial goal was to easily fit square images in the squares that end up as the die’s faces, and as I see it there’s no easy way to include a pre-existing image in the final product. Not an easy one, anyway 🙄

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