Gnuplot Video


Let’s generate a video with frames coming from Gnuplot!

In previous post Gnuplot Parametric Mix we discussed a way to generate a mix between two functions, by providing a ratio for mixing them. Here, we leverage that to generate many frames.

 1 #!/bin/sh
 3 script=$1
 4 prefix=$2
 5 N="${3:-100}"
 7 # some "freeze time" before and after the animation frames. This sets the
 8 # default value, can be overridden from the outside by setting BUFFER
 9 : ${BUFFER:=24}
11 # number of frames, add a BUFFER before and another after the animation
12 frames=$((BUFFER + N + BUFFER))
14 # 0-padding for the filenames
15 nchars="$(printf '%s' "$frames" | wc -c)"
17 # this format will be used with printf and then with ffmpeg
18 fmt="$prefix%0${nchars}d.png"
20 for i in $(seq 1 $frames) ; do
21    filename="$(printf "$fmt" "$i")"
23    # n varies between 0 and N, clamp to these values otherwise
24    n=$((i - BUFFER))
25    if   [ $n -lt 0 ]  ; then n=0
26    elif [ $n -gt $N ] ; then n=$N
27    fi
29    # call the $script with the relevant parameters
30    gnuplot \
31       -e "filename='$filename'" \
32       -e "n=$n" \
33       -e "N=$N" \
34       "$script"
35 done
37 # get all frames together!
38 ffmpeg -y -framerate 24 -i "$fmt" output.mp4

Lines 3 through 5 deal with inputs from the command line: the script to execute repeatedly (e.g. what discussed in Gnuplot Parametric Mix), a prefix for all PNG images, and the number of “central” frames (which will determine the length of the animation).

Line 9 sets a default value for environment variable BUFFER: this is an integer value that aims at introducing a frozen pre-animation and a frozen post-animiation to the video, so that the starting and ending points are more easily visible. You can set this variable externally to a different value. The default corresponds to 24 frames, i.e. 1 second when generating a video with 24 frames per second.

The actual number of frames is calculated in line 12: it’s the number of “animated” frames (N) plus two buffers, one for each side of the video as discussed above.

Lines 15 and 18 aim at generating a format string that is good for both printf and ffmpeg. In particular, nchars calculates the length for the sequence number of different frames, so that they always have the same length (easing ffmpeg’s life).

The main loop in lines 20 through 35 takes care to generate all frames. In particular, i keeps track of the frame number.

The filename is generated based on i, leveraging the generated format fmt on line 21. As an example, if prefix is the string example-, it will be something like example-001.png.

In the loop, the variable n represents the numerator, with the logic to have a frozen buffer at both ends. This means that values of n outside the range from 0 to N are clamped to these extremes. This happens in lines 24 to 27.

Line 30 (continued on the following ones via \\) invokes Gnuplot setting the right parameters, which generates a different file for each iteration.

After all frames are available as PNG images, they are condensed together in a video using ffmpeg (line 38). The framerate is set to a fixed value of 24, but of course it can be changed.

Curious of what comes out of this? Take a look at the video below (or download it):

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